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Everything posted by Lavigne

  1. Because almost every single soul wants to fuck around on cheat clients instead whilst using the weak argument "well everyone else has one so why shouldn't I" No, fuck that, maybe forcing people to use steam is a little much but everyone should have to use the base OSRS client. This was the same company that took issue with a world switcher because it gave players with it an advantage over those that didn't, that was literally the mantra they wanted to die by and is still the reason macroing is not allowed. So why are people trying to defend cheat client meta. I feel like Jagex gave a fair degree with trust and autonomy when it came to allowing 3rd party clients and that trust has largely been abused. It's gone from "having one is certainly nice to play with" to "you now need one". Meanwhile we got Vanzant running circles around AF on a fucking phone. Also the VR ip thing sikgie0oyhmeiksaoldmkjskgntjynfscumwkhdhjshnfdhrtjktyrhahahaha real clan btw.
  2. Lavigne

    99 Mage

    A magical achievement.
  3. giz us a peek at ya beaver
  4. Ye although granted there's a big difference between long wild run-ins (you know, back when they could actually fucking end without a cap or waiting for the sun to both set and rise again; just with sheer brute force) and losing an evening you were probs going to spend playing rs anyway to two consecutive cwa fights.
  5. What if any improvements or fixes do you feel should be made to clan wars as the content currently is? New maps? New rulesets/modes? Any changes? Snare off as an option. ALL 3rd party clients should be bannable. Ability to have a BO3 option where it automatically rechallenges with the same rules after the round finishes, you then have 3 minutes to bank, get back inside the portal and then the wall drops for the match to begin again. +/- option ie if one clan has more than 20 inside than the other clan, they win. How do you think cheating and shared members will be addressed during the j cup? AF v ROT will be a DDoS fest. Shareds will fight on spares so it's not really easy to handle. Do you see the likely inability to pull 100 for some clans being an issue in the j cup ? If you can't pull 100 you can't enter the fullout. I think only TE, REV, ROT and AF can compete in this category. Even with Wilderland calling everyone whos retired they wont get over 80 and the quality of their fringe players will just get them wiped out. It's not worth it. I don't think the fullout category is still worth having nor relevant. Do you think there will be near as many fights in clan wars as there are now after the j cup or will it probably die out? F2P wild is rarely crashed atm and is picking up in popularity. Who do you think is taking the W(s) in the J cup in the various categories? F2P 100v100 ROT/AF 30v30 TE 20v20 TE 10v10 Anyones game 5v5 why does this exist P2P 100v100 AF/ROT 30v30 AF 20v20 AF 10v10 AF 5v5 AF Do you prefer wilderness action or clan wars? Clan Wars atm. You can get a clear winner in CLW but in Wilderness it just feels so repetitive over the hour since you don't know the kdr result until it's over and just feels like a meaningless waste of rune now.
  6. Remember your name from prev fights with fsk/tr. Welcome friend.
  7. I could answer that after being in almost every team with the question "what the fuck else am I doing after work on a weekday?"; also timezones; if I have work at 7am and most of my events at like 5:30AM, I get up for work at 5am I may as well snare some niggas while eating my cheerios ya feel me - granted, this was also back when I enjoyed the game's clanning scene a lot more and would be at anything and everything, 3-4 years on you end up getting more priorities and say "well I'd rather do this than war" even if X involves a different game, years back that was considered skipping, now-a-days the balance is such that if people would rather do something else one night because they already had it planned, let em.
  8. 1. What are your thoughts on teams continuing to share members despite prioritizing the same game mode? I think teams are an outdated concept. I remember when I was so in so many different teams as well as a country clan + DI I needed a calender to remember when all my fights were, especially since I was a caller/warlord for almost all of them so I needed to not overlap my own fights. There were enough people to fight other clans and still have 35v35/40v40 with/without shareds and even other teams. Can two teams fight eachother now? No. Teams were great in the CWA era of the game where Wild was dead because people wanted to fight eachother, not clear a deathdot of Adamant wearing ROT for an hour. You absolutely had to be in one or even more teams to be good at CWA imo, because if you didn't join teams you were behind, both as a warrer and as a caller. All the best CWA fought multiple times a week. Now teams are just Adversity really, which is a VR morale boost team when all their best members aren't actually VR, but I guess being able to beat a clan with stacked team quality (because CWA teams are in essence, stacked in quality; generally you only join one if you're enthusiastic about CWA and think you're good at it), AF which honestly, before the weird AF/WL merge thing which I still don't really get (if there's a member from either here, explain what the situation is atm I can't tell whos left for who and whos a shared, my understanding was AF are not fans of shared members anymore) - I treat AF as a clan. Teams were good back in the day to meet people from other clans and improve, now, I think their purpose is more of a negative than a positive, but country clans still have their place, it's just a shame there are only two left. Because in country clans we do not consider ourselves teams, we don't consider our members as VR, DF, DI, AF w.e. Which is why it's always been a foreign concept to many that most country clanners see their "main clan" as their country clan and give it priority. 2. Why do you think these teams take on this approach instead of being independent clans? CWA is member diff. Wild is number diff. Go figure. Doesn't matter how good you are if you're outnumbered by 30. I remember back in DI we would pull like 80-90 on a Sunday, VR would pull 130 and despite how god awful they were it was meaningless because they would send 40 snipers; more people than we had in mage and callers combined in the first place. 3. Should the achievements of said teams be considered lesser due to them being teams and not independent clans? Yes.
  9. Lavigne


    @Gochance1 - I think you guys who weren't Downfall are coming to learn literally just how much Tim will do for his clanmates, guy has untold dedication to literally everyone and everything and is literally a model of good example. @Victoria - No-one will look out for your personal well-being like Victoria will. @Ashley - No matter where she ends up, super hard worker. @true - cares more about his clanmates on a personal level than the actual clan itself, which is rare in a Leader. @david - One of the best there is and yet is so with no ego, this guy has never sucked his own dick for as long as I've been around him in OSRS. He is literally always wondering what he can do better instead of what he did well, that's someone you want driving your clan. @Icedrop - For a whole literal catalogue of reasons that'd demand an essay.
  10. Never a truer word spoken. Better yet, just remove them from the fucking game. Making oldschool "oldschool" again. Bring back 50% MSB spec. Let's remember this got nerfed from 50% to 55% originally because people felt it was too strong. Please explain to me how Dragon Claws are 50% then when they have basically the same swing timer. There's a reason why BGS spec % usage got buffed because contextually it wasn't as overpowered as it was when it came out in RS2.
  11. Still dunno who PD is lol, thanks for the fight though guessing like a smallman p2p team like CL or DR.
  12. Good vid, but shame about the client, might leave for a real clan tbh
  13. Wasn't up immediately after fight as logged back onto FF to catch the tail end of ranked queues before eurofags went to bed for the night.
  14. Recognise the name, hello friend.
  15. My favourite Aussie cunt. Well, other than Bastian.
  16. 2004 RSD but it's led by H0tgun or 2006 Divine Forces but it's led by Cutekiyaa.
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