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Everything posted by Lavigne

  1. What's ironic is we probably have more of our members on the default client than any other clan lol.
  2. need a new patch for templite my client keeps snaring my own teammates. Hey VR remember when you tried hijacking a client because you were incapable of making your own and SV hacked you lol.
  3. This. I'll stick to Football.
  4. got beaten by the main topic this time brb seppuku lived in japan long enough to know how.
  5. Prime. I got Netflix back when I broke up with my GF just so I didn't keep using her logged in account with my phone, but then it turned out how little I cared for Netflix after being single because I was only using it heavily around her, so I got rid of it after like three months and I don't even think in those 3 months I logged into it. Didn't help a lot of good shows I used it for got removed like right when I subbed. If it wasn't for the one day delivery I doubt I'd have prime I probably skip torrenting something once in a blue moon, and only if I'm struggling to find a decent torrent.
  6. Wilderness removal. EOC would have been fine if they didn't fuck legacy up.
  7. Given how my first 10 minutes went there almost wasn't gonna be one LOL
  8. Pure clans are cringe half of them can be attacked by maxed mains and some of them are like 99 99 20 with 99 prayer and it's like what's the point, at this stage you might as well just be a fucking main. Pures became a pointless concept when they started fighting each other instead of mains, people they had a considerable advantage over.
  9. ranking cwa is retarded theres ko/capped/styles runin etc. F2P PVP #1 - Reign of Terror - Would still spank almost anyone on a prep let's be realistic. #2 - Ancient Fury - Picked up the quality big time and would smash anyone on this list realistically; the issue is they're still heavily gated by timezone but in a 2hr cap pre 6 EST ye I'd expect them to control it comfortably against anyone. #3 - Tempest - Good numbers that remain consistent through events and probably two of the best callers in this game right now. But the member quality doesn't match the calling quality and essentially the outcome of that is if those callers aren't playing, you'll see a horrendous dip in form. #4 - Revenant - Probably on par with Tempest. #4 - Wilderland - Hard tie between SV and WL. Member quality is pretty mediocre overall. #6 - Sovereign - They're actually not god awful in F2P it's just they don't fight anyone other than ROT. No point putting in anyone else, VR sits in P2P all the day and can't pull jack shit like maybe 30 tops ergo they can probably fight Vitality, but both of them would get crashed by ROT and it'd end in tears. DF are practically a community clan with a few p2p PKs are aren't really worth ranking when they can't compete with anyone right now. Take teams out of the equation and only really ROT/TE/SV and maybe WL exist. Sometimes I wish these teams would just die off and absorb back into main clans so things seem more logical.
  10. Already own the Lavigne name and bought Wonder Woman. I'm sorted lol.
  11. Depends which VR. Assuming when they were alive around the same time probably VR. The Death Monkeighs or Poison.
  12. Even though I got knocked out first round really liked this idea, thanks Ssj. Also GJ everyone for making sure you got your matches played asap this happened so quick. Would like to see a mystic rune no overheads brid next. Or dharoks (people can keep the sets)
  13. Lavigne


    Ye if you put a staff on it other clans clients can literally see you're in mage and make you a different colour to mark you out.
  14. Lavigne


    Do you blame people for using these clients? No, because it's understandable people would want to be equal with anyone else. But if you're using them as a crutch then you fucking suck because you can war fine on the default OSRS client and I've been doing so for years lol, somehow even OSRS players aren't immune to forgetting how to open their eyes. Unless you're Brian and you're like 50 or pt37 and you're like 70, in which case ye, when kids start calling me grandad I'd probably need a client to counter my reactions by then too lol. Do you think Jagex should ban 3rd party clients? Their own client should take more notes from what the other clients have to offer and develop based on it. It's pretty clear they felt a lot of runelite stuff was legal, so why not just steal their ideas and make it increasingly more attractive to play vanilla. This way they can ban all the other clients and people still won't lose much. Imagine having to actually play the game. How do you find these clients effect your game play? Do you find yourself using or even depending on them? Or are you someone who perhaps finds themselves getting piled or sniped a bit more often than preferable because the opposing clan can highlight you or use friend finder to find where you are, even in a mess of 100+ people, with very little effort? The last one I used were Konduit/early Runelite and a modified Exilent (SV client). Back when it was just a couple of really nice overlays but you still had to open your eyes (then again I also disabled a lot of overlays that I felt were just outright cheating). And yeah I can tell pretty obviously when I'm being client piled or sniped over and over, makes the game really unenjoyable to play ngl because before half the skill was in hiding yourself and your robes but this is now irrelevant. What do you think needs to be done to the base client before they ban 3rd party clients? Is it fine now? What features (from runelite or otherwise) do you think would be necessary or close to it if no? Covered already. What do you think are the worst features of 3rd party clients that need to go? What is the most damaging? Overlays and automation that literally tell you what to do or play the game for you. The style detect thing in PVP is also fucking cancerous. Are you concerned with the J cup coming that clients will have a significant effect on the outcome of certain fights? Yep. Especially since I will likely be back in Korea by then so even if I lay down my prejudice for one fight, I can't use those clients in Korea because well, it's illegal lol and getting the standard OSRS client to cache is hard enough.
  15. This. The +1 situation is bordering on ridiculous again and P2P is once again ruined by how much dumb shit there is that can kill you like high end prayers (and you know we're gonna get curses, it's just a matter of when), claws (cos they didn't learn from last time), elder maul, stackable supplies etc. P2P would be a million times better without this shit. F2P is a write-off. People evolved and adapted on a combat system over a decade and a half old that has never changed in mechanics significantly, that can't be changed back even if hugging was back in the game because we would still drop any pile that leaves a clump. Removing gds teleports and stuff (canoe can stay) would go a long way into making F2P interesting again. I just don't see the point in it it's 2 hours of spamming kills with no real end result because you cannot clear an equal footing opponant even if you go like 5:1. Because there's at least one person who will return by the time you've killed the next one. Whether you have 40-50 or 80 ingame right now it doesn't make an ounce of difference as sniping is largely obselete due to the clump meta and only made possible realistically if you have a client that tells you who's maging, even though they're perma overhead and will just run, log hop world and drink a prayer pot; because when a bind lasts 10 seconds now if you get snared in a pile you will die if all 40 of those people hit you for at least 3. Also it should have been add snare, or remove 50% penalty on binds from praying mage, not fucking both.
  16. not sure if mcdonalds greasy or gaming
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