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Everything posted by Lavigne

  1. Tell us the story of Marianne, apparently she went mad with power or some shit, the kiwi gilf.
  2. Pre-DT was more tank heavy, TB tribrid and pure melee were pretty common since the normal spell book was complete trash. There were a few people who were fairly decent god mage hybrids though. Zammy flames scaled with mage level and could hit hard in an era where everyone didn't carry a fuckload of brews to MB. Full TBs in no-brew era MB lasted an eternity and with most MBers not praying 1v1 and many clans strictly forbidding logging and xlogging, was hard to get out when your only option was to run and try to buy time in axe hut or the other place near the bats, think it was like a pirate hut or something. HA12D was probably one of the better MBers from RSD in both pre and post Ancients. Also yeah DS were strong, but they were also severely overrated, most of what made them look good came from being predominantly OCE, in a lot of PKRIs they held a significant advantage as the later it got, the better chance DS would come out on top by an increasing margin.
  3. OS has that enhanced silverlight shit now?
  4. How old were you when you led RSD? RSD always came across to me as a very mature clan in and out of the game, and I remember FAing aged 16 and being advised my age was an issue but I would be given the chance to be seen as someone mature enough regardless of the number, something I always appreciated. What are any regretful decisions you made or were a part of as an RSD official? What were the original RSD requirements? I remember DI's old HP requirement but by the time I joined RSD it was just combat (I think 122?) How was your honor code in comparison with DIs? Who were RSD's best Mage Bank PKers post-Desert Treasure and why? @RSD
  5. Great oldschool official. A lot of wisdom.
  6. Oh yeah Tony Romo was a shit quarterback.
  7. Dunno how people could want to do this for like 8hrs lol, always glad that people go until it's no longer fun and then call it quits cos it's not 2006 anymore. Was fun and good to see the wild again, haven't maged in years.
  8. Going to Sara when you can do raids whatda.
  9. Nope, MTX made RS3 more fun for me.
  10. What the fuck why is there a 1B bow in this game are we RS3ing now?
  11. Lmfao scammed. I'd have dropped the clue the moment it said you needed MEP2.
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