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Everything posted by Lavigne

  1. 1) Full routine in terms of workout timings or full day (meals, workouts etc)? 2) Yes, the shoulders are getting better, but I have too much excess fat. This is not a big issue in American football, a lot of defensive linesmen got a belly, we aren't built to have abs or look like the next Mr Olympia, but I'm not a guard or tackle, I need to lose it because its stuff that could be going into better areas. 3) Yes. 4) For a full day? This is a variable from week to week. We'll go for a "Normal" day 1400-1600 kcal (around 300-350 carbs, frequently higher) 1000kcal Protein (around 300-350g protein) 1000kcal Fat (around 120~g) 5) Not off the top of my head, my gym has one of those scale things that'll tell you but where I haven't been in a while and have changed shape, it won't be accurate. 6) I should, but don't. 7) I think my diet needs fixing here, I need to eat more, but not more of what I eat right now. Thanks for the advice sofar btw, appreciate it mate.
  2. Hi, mostly home workout atm, gym return soon. my gym is in Jersey (channel island) where I live atm, I play for an American Football team based in London, and I am in London a lot atm helping my sister in Reading with childcare. So very often I have to make use cos I refuse to get a 2nd gym sub or pay for day passes. Barbell press is standing, arnolds are seated. I had to google what a rear delt is, I've played American football 3 years but only started working out a year ago so you'll have to bear with me and hopefully be able to provide some insight (my disc is Lavigne#0001 if you wanna add me and I can dm you with queries); not ashamed to say aside from the plans given to me and generally "what feels good to do" - I don't have a professional/reg idea what I'm doing a lot of the time. I have done rear delts in the gym without knowing they're rear delts, with something that looks like this: https://www.muscleandfitness.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/1109-Rear-Delt-Machine.jpg?quality=86&strip=all Different weights, my laterals are done with lighter weights. Diet is relatively in check I think, but despite having a lot of carb heavy days I still feel like I'm really short sometimes - I do not have a professional diet plan, I have to work it out as I go along but I'll admit my lack of experience is causing issues. Either I don't take enough in and lose weight (I need to stay at around 90-95kg for my position, I am 6 ft 2, I am frequently stuck on 85), or I don't gain because my workouts burn everything off too easily. I almost never take supplements or shakes, but will usually take some kind of fluid recuperation with me to the gym (usually Hosstile's Intra workout) and have a protein shake at home. Like today I was super desperate and ordered Chinese, which is the 4th time I've had to order something over the top this month because I was so desperate for the carbs. I would say my meal inconsistency in terms of what I take daily is far worse than what I choose to eat. I can't expect to get away with having 2 medium sized meals one day with no breakfast, and then 4 meals the next.
  3. Bit longer than usual, I'm sure most would understand. Turn your volume to max this is a good one I promise and a lot of effort went into this; don't just post - actually watch it. There's something for any WL members watching at the end btw.
  4. 4x 10 barbell press, 3x 20 arnold press 3x 12 laterals with lighter dumbells, every couple of days I do lunges and/or situps with dumbells.
  5. Null's backing you and I'm vaccinated, you also have the same name as me; so I think you're good to go. Welcome bud.
  6. Underrated dedicated as fuck gamer x2
  7. Dedicated gamer, comes to fights on his phone.
  8. Nah, I barely played in any clan chats outside of clan ones other than Zchat in OSRS and pre-eoc I didn't have this name.
  9. Air guitar emote best emote.
  10. As an ex CWC member, do you still get PTSD when you hear the word "Seercull?" Cos I fucking do.
  11. I think it's literally because of covid with entire Australian states being locked down. Can't tour an album if you're locked down. Even so they can't have started working on this long ago, that workrate is insane.
  12. @Ace How the fuck do these guys have a new song already, doesn't feel like so long since How to Save a Funeral came out.
  13. J2swift is the god. Best caller Tempest Summer 2021 awards dont even think about @ing me or you'll catch @J2swift's hands.
  14. There's a name I recognise. I was TLP during your time. Welcome to Tempest dude. I miss Dissy and the boys.
  15. Was CWC albeit a few years before your time. To be honest think I was in just about every CWA clan there was pre-EoC; felt like the only thing worth doing if you had gold but no desire to max. Welcome.
  16. I know a few people who would make good use of this that bring their laptops to work. I don't need it as such I'll be honest if I get any time for games at work I just load up Hearthstone on my phone.
  17. Id swap true and jeff but this is accurate.
  18. Thought Diana died in the 90s @Scleritis av a word will ya
  19. 404 ROT not found. So much for having Rev infested and closing them huh.
  20. Any MMA fans here? Recently yeah, I only used to watch main card fights but I've grown to really like the undercard recently and watch it more for that now than the main event. The recent boxing circuses have made me come to appreciate how genuine UFC is so much more. Was a pretty wild card - obviously I don't think anyone expected the main event to end the way it did I did lol. How bad was the break? As someone who plays sports, awful. I wish they didn't replay it 50 times and most athletes on twitter agreed. I play American Football, bloodying and bruising doesn't phase me anymore Nate looks like a double machete homicide victim after every fight and it does nothing. But the most gruesome thing ever is watching a limb break, I can't handle it it looks fucking horrendous and is aside from pain the scariest thing anyone could experience in sport because it could be the last time you've played. I know JJ Watt on twitter was like "enough of showing it" Do you think it was from the checked kicks like Poirier said? No. McGregor's an idiot and kicking the cage padding is just extra wear he didn't need, but he exerted himself a lot with kicks at the start and definitely fucked himself somewhere. But I think the most damage he did to it was during the guillotine grappling. For all I know Poirier broke it during that. Do you think they'll rematch that or do you think that the hype train for McGregor has officially come to a halt? The hype grows everytime McGregor loses, which is really an issue for him he wins either way. Look at Nate, he has a pretty low WR in UFC for the level of fighter he actually is but he is the golden child of America, people will watch any fight he threatens to smash someone in, he lost to Leon and it's not gonna hurt him in the slightest. For as long as Conor is a circus he is invaluable to the UFC and gains more attention. But if he loses badly again it could be retirement (for the 5000th time). Age is nothing in the UFC and Connor is an insane grappler, and grapplers only tend to get better with age we're seeing it with Figueiredo in Flyweight he's an animal. But Conor's strength is kickboxing and he's very much a one trick pony when it comes to grappling, and kickboxers in the UFC do not age well, even when uninjured.
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