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Everything posted by Lavigne

  1. It's a good start but how the fuck did it take so long when clanning is literally one of the best selling points of any MMORPG.
  2. Carini: I've got a boner in World ###
  3. If you mace for more than a 1 don't @ me.
  4. Hello again Vechtetoe.
  5. "Are you in mage?" "No but he has to open the gate" Fuckin lol.
  6. Was fun learning the game again lol.
  7. The low case numbers are probably why you don't have one. South Korea had it bad, but not even a quarter as bad as most of Asia but they basically did a Sweden. "Yeah we'll be fine just stay at home if you're ill and we'll get through this just by restricting movement." >A month of clubbing later and Seoul is completely fucked. And yeah, I would agree with you hospitality did the best they could, I think it was more they weren't as much as on top of what they had to do, but I understand also that in many cases they didn't know what to do. Naturally it is in their best interest to care because if they don't their industry dies more than it already has. So when I say "they didn't care" in that manner, obviously they give a shit if their patrons get covid and want to minimize the spread, but I'd wager they only didn't ask us about it because fuck for a while you weren't even allowed to tell people to put a mask on in England. In Jersey a lil country near France where I live, you walk into a shop without a mask (despite our low case numbers) they will just tell you to fuck off, or scream at you in French. I'm surprised how hard France itself got hit considering you needed a frigen permission slip to even walk out the house. Were all the masks/screens and shit tier 3 only as well or only pubs or what. Because there was none of that there either. Off-topic note but are you the same Grogan that was in Brotherhood of the Gods with Wazro, Billybagz etc? Circa 2005/2006.
  8. Yeah it was London which was Tier 2 (it became tier 3 that week). We were both in single households as a Support Bubble which was apparently allowed (I was on my own as I was still based in Jersey at the time and my friend had just moved from France, so I knew I wouldn't need to see anyone else anytime soon and neither would he); maybe I misunderstood lol. It would explain a lot. But yeah when we were looking for somewhere to eat everywhere had to be reserved beforehand, so maybe this was just something a lot of hospitality businesses decided to incorporate. I just re-read the tier 2 rules and not being allowed to go into hospitality together would come across as odd when the rules stipulate that social distancing can essentially go out the window in a bubble.
  9. No, they have the details of the person who made the reservation and we aren't from the same household. Why would there be a code for walk-ins when walk-ins were banned? Seems like a flawed system they can only contact the person who reserved and if that person can't contact me or my friend we're fucked. E: In Korea you scanned at check-in and every individual had to do it. Whether it's a walk in or reservation.
  10. Good guy from what I've heard of you, hello mate.
  11. RS2 is perfect as it is. I wanna see something more innovative, their trading card game had so much potential but they never pushed it and it's clear they got money. But with RS being their eSport they could be doing better. I really want them to revisit that mech idea and give us something like a Titanfall/Destiny hybrid masquering as an MMORPG but really just like a proper open world RPG shooter.
  12. Or if you're GMT+9/JST 🙄
  13. Google are autistic so tell me if the audio gets muted and I'll reupload to Vimeo.
  14. You know when you beat off to porn but then he starts slapping her around as you cum and you're like mm shouldn't really have fapped to that.
  15. D2 was sick and D3 started well but turned to shit, so high hopes. Didn't D2 have decent pvp as well?
  16. Misunderstood me mate, I mean like how slow the initial approach to it was, which was more on your administration previous to this one for encouraging it. And that's from someone who originally liked Trump and was misguided enough to have high hopes for him and working with the European countries intelligent enough to leave the EU. Hopefully that comment makes more sense now cos you've still got plenty of those dickheads hanging around. Also I'll be with you on that last sentence, I was in the UK in December for lunch with someone before they locked down again and I remember how every business has to do track and trace so they can tell you if one of their customers on a particular day tested positive for covid. It's a legal requirement there but all there was is a QR scanner code at that door that both me and my friend took no notice of and no-one asked us for our details when we went in for our reservation. Doesn't seem to me like they cared about enforcing it lol.
  17. You're supposed to test positive lmao. Yeah that's just America being stupid, I'm surprised you even ordered any vaccines. Can't vaccinate something that isn't real right.
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