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Everything posted by Monkey

  1. There were times in like 2008/2009 (whenever the CWA era was) that we literally could only pull 10 people. Members hated CWA, but those were the days where there was no alternative. So that’s definitely the lowest of the low. Nothing specific comes to mind for the peaks, but there were some times in 2010 that we were consistently pulling 200+ options and were incredibly active. Yes, I still keep in touch with some former TR members.
  2. I’m pretty indifferent. I mean there’s nothing preventing him from using the name and there were some members in common. But from what I understand the environment within the clan was pretty different.
  3. For most important officials, you have to give Sooz credit whether you like her or not. She was an immense figure in the clan. Other than that I’d say Peter and Cembio deserve a lot of credit. We didn’t really have a lot of bad promotions. There were some people who simply weren’t cut out for the responsibilities they were given, but no one was mentally unstable and ended up spying or leaking forums or anything. Biggest victories in my mind are beating EH uncapped, our last fight against RSD, and a couple of other uncapped fights we had, like when we beat TMC after like 8 hours or something ridiculous.
  4. Hi, I’m Monkey, originally Monkeyfbi135 and then later Big Dumb Ape/Platyrrhine/countless other stupid names. I started playing RS in 2003 and joined my first real clan - Rune Raiders - in 2004. I later went to EH in 2006 and then joined The Rising in 2008. In The Rising I was a mentor, FA manager, and council for a little while. Later on I was leader/co-leader for the last 2-3 years of the clan’s existence. We changed with the clan world, particularly with regard to emphasis on CWA. While TR was born as a PKing clan and ideally would have remained one, we had to make changes as spontaneous PK trips became pointless due to the lack of wilderness activity. In 2011 and 2012 we made major improvements in that area, and before long we were able to compete with top CWA teams while also having a strong presence in the wilderness when that opportunity arose. Ultimately, as much as we tried to adapt to the changing clan word, it became clear in late 2011 that our days as a clan were numbered. Many officials were ready to move on with their lives, the clan world was becoming more and more defined by crash wars (and therefore staying out of them became progressively more challenging), and the number of opponents left to fight was steadily decreasing. After recognizing the writing on the wall, we made the bittersweet decision to close in May of 2012. I am grateful that we were able to make our last year a great one and go out with a bang, rather than fizzling out like so many other clans. Since then I tried to join a few clans, but none kept my interest or meant as much to me as TR did. I quit RS for good in 2014 or so.
  5. Hi Claire 😊 Hope all is well.
  6. Wait I thought this was a Roblox fight???
  7. Well well well, if it isn’t Noble Stink
  8. Why is Samimo so much cooler than you?
  9. Always liked castle wars events when they’re done properly. It’s like a normal p2p fight but with some extra strategy involved, no one loses their precious pixels, and the end result can’t be disputed.
  10. I’d prefer this over some bathrooms I’ve used
  11. How many of them do I have to eat?
  12. No way, a room with shadows this fucked up is bound to be haunted
  13. Is the spaghetti flavored or dyed? Because that will influence my answer
  14. Awww stop it you’re making me blush
  15. Hello, I hear you’re a 1 hit. Please confirm
  16. I think this hits the nail on the head. People are so intent on winning that they’ll do just about anything. That, in combination with the advantage a clan has from effectively sucking the fun out of the game for their opponent, has led to things spiraling out of control. Early on, people rationalized certain changes (dragging, returning, etc.) as the clan world evolving, and maybe there was some truth to that. But for the last several years it’s been a race to the bottom. I don’t have any questions for you all about EH, but I wanted to apologize to those of you who were there (3lite, Grug, Xero, Krystal, to name a few) for the way I acted during my time there. I was an immature little shit, not to mention a dick to some of you on a personal level.
  17. It’s not supposed to be all that deep. Their stated goal is to show that things aren’t as simple as left vs right. I think it’s working as intended considering how many people in this topic noted the discrepancy between their voting habits on the left/right spectrum and their placement on the compass. From the site:
  18. Next time try prostitution, it’s way easier. P.S. hi!
  19. Well well well, if it isn’t Icedragon D, killer of clans
  20. @Icedragon D what did you do?!
  21. His name belongs on this topic for that reason alone: https://tempest-rs.net/topic/681-top-5-officials/
  22. I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that this Apegoat fella has impeccable warring skills and great taste in music.
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