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Everything posted by 3lite

  1. EH and DF had a fairly amicable relationship throughout most of our history, which I would attribute to community values that were more aligned than many clans. Near the end of EH's time in 2009, that relationship broke down a little bit and there was rivalry between us (though I would not say it was on the same level as EH-VR). As a part of that rivalry, both clans tried to fuel motivation against each other. Throughout the vast majority of EH's time, we saw DF as a positive force and had a great respect for the clan. Really appreciate the time spent on a detailed response and insights. Respect for the honesty and courage to tell it as you remembered it.
  2. I was really young and emotionally immature in Gladz, but was present in Gladz at their peak as a Rider of Rohan (pk leader). I was an active figure in the community and saw value in skiller/community style events. I was also very active as a PKer, whereas much of the Gladz community was skillers or uninterested in pking, and I led a small group of people that primarily focused on P2P. So, positives from Gladz, were that I knew how to work within a community with a mix of skillers, community members, and pkers, and that I got my first experiences leading in battle. I do not believe my experience in Gladz greatly shaped the style of community in EH (skilling events/community focused) and believe that EH still would have gone that route even if I were not in the EH leadership team. However, people learn as much from the negatives as they do from the positives. Gladiatorz leaders had a fairly hands-off approach to to leading and generally let members do as they pleased. While I was in Gladz, there were several (fairly disconnected) pking teams, the most famous of which was likely the Ewhenn/Geezerpunk team. Few tried to unite all of these disparate groups for a common Gladz purpose (Finaltank comes to mind trying to adapt Gladz for large-scale F2P fights). On forums, Gladz members could openly flame or be toxic to other Gladz members, without retaliation from leadership and with other Gladz stepping in to join the fun. I left Gladz due to frustrations with the leadership and because I didn't feel like Gladz were adapting from warring to Pking. When I joined ST, I was fortunate enough to be led by Flummbullen, who had a professional leadership style very different from the Gladiatorz. I tried to take what I learned from positive experiences with ST and negative experiences with Gladz leadership to be better in EH than I was in Gladz. With all that said, the biggest inspiration for me as a leader was Broski. Prior to being a head leader in EH, Broski worked hard to mentor me and foster my growth.
  3. I've actually always wondered about this, if EH was unique in this regard. EH used to host tanking practice events fairly regularly where our PK leaders would demonstrate proper hugging technique and how to eat in one tick with pizzas + other food. We would take turns piling a member at random and "testing" them. Maybe a practice every 2-3 months on average. Was this something that other clans did?
  4. The DF Kiwi is that Kiwi?! I'm pretty sure I remember you. You used to wear black armor when mining if I remember right for the fashionscape.
  5. Hey Kent! You were not alone in feeling the way that you did about EH's closing. A lot of members didn't understand why we made the decision that we did and felt that the call we made was incorrect. It doubly angered members when (in the creation of Vengeance), Broski, Islamia, Grug, and I insisted that the clan not be named "Eternal Honour." We had candidates with potential to fulfill the head leadership positions, but they just weren't ready yet. The decision definitely wasn't an easy one and contrary to what many might think, I actually think the easiest decision would have been allowing EH to keep going and pass off leadership when we were unsure of the direction the clan might take. Doing so might allow EH to remain open for a longer period, but could tarnish our legacy, remembrance of the clan as relevant in the clan world, and the ideals that the clan stood for. Also, if we did not believe EH could be successful in that regard, it would still be doing a disservice to EH as the clan would eventually disband. With EH closing when it did, most old members look back with pride and fond memories of their time in EH, which might be a different scenario if a different decision had been made. The big sacrifice to closing is that the community dispersed with some members now being difficult to contact. I'm grateful that we've been able to reconnect with so many people in the EH discord and that the chat remains incredibly active to this day. I feel your pain and wish I had something to go back to with EH in this day and age. With all that pain, I stand by the decision to close EH and believe it was the correct choice.
  6. For me personally, I had a period of inactivity in 2008 where I was a leader, but for several months, I wasn't really following along with what the clan was doing. When I returned, I saw EH in the lowest state that it had ever been. The clan was fighting SE and Col rather than the more established clans, which were strong clans in their own right, but generally had smaller pulls. It was really disheartening coming back to that, but we quickly rebuilt and got out of the slump we were in. There were too many high points for me to pick just one. As mentioned earlier, I think the first time we beat DI was a big moment for the clan. 8-10 hour fight with DI where RoT crashed and turned the tide of the fight. In my very early clanning days, I was a level 78 in Gladiatorz. In my first official miniwar, I pked a set of full rune, which was approximately worth my bank. I looted it and logged out to pretend like I DCed.
  7. This is a really tough question because there are lots of different ways in which an individual can garner respect. Presuming this question is about non-EH leaders given the follow up. If I had to pick three that I respected highly: 1.) Flummbullen - I left Gladz, which I felt had a great community, because I didn't really agree with the direction of the clan and I felt that the leadership team was weak/absent. Flumm led ST with integrity and vision. 2.) Icedrop - I saw Icedrop as a very intelligent tactical leader. 3.) Nodari - Violent Resolution attracted a group of people that was very different to Eternal Honour. Whether it was true or not, I saw Nodari as a community leader for VR and I think that is a job that I would have failed miserably at. Picking three that I did not respect is more challenging. I do believe that successful clans require leaders that garner respect that the members can rally behind. For that reason, by the nature of the top clans being successful, every major clan leader deserve respect in some way. I can find reasons to respect clans that were as different in values to EH such as RoT and NI. I read through Brian's AMA. While I don't think that many in EH would have considered DI to be EH's biggest rival, DI was the clan for EH to fight that got me most motivated personally. I believe Brian's comments regarding EH were largely accurate. My opinion of Brian is a strange one - I certainly did not hold DI in high regards 10 years ago but I no longer hold any grudges from that period. 10 years ago, I did not know Brian on a personal level. I knew him as the figurehead of a clan that I did not like. Seeing Brian's AMA, coupled with his help on the clan leader's perspective post I made a few months back and what others have told me about him, has given me a more personal perspective on who he is as an individual. I believe it takes a lot of courage to do the things he has done in the AMA and by opening old DI leadership forums. There is also no denying that DI was a massively successful clan over a substantial period of Runescape's history, which takes a strong leader. I think if I got to know him, I'd respect who he was as a person and a leader. I always had a soft spot for Milad. He was very young when he first joined EH. His passion for the clan got him into lots of trouble, and he was always the first to lash back at EoS or VR on Zybez. I think throughout EH, we really saw his growth and movement from a pain in the butt for the leadership team to a caller and key motivator in the clan.
  8. I believe the most defining moment of EH was defeating Damage Inc for the first time. Damage Inc had a spy in Eternal Honour and hit us on almost all of our PK trips as the clan was just beginning. In a situation like that, many clans falter and close, but EH did not. Each time DI hit us, we became stronger and more motivated to defeat them. It took a lot of losses to get there, but eventually we got a win and our beginnings helped us for several years to be motivated to fight DI. Strengths: - A strong core group of members that remained through thick and thin. - I had pride in the other members of the leadership team; they were intelligent and generally trying to do the "just" thing. To me, this was a big motivator and difference from other clans I had experienced. - We were a competitive force in our time. - We had a core of ~10 Aussies that helped keep up strong through the late fights and were great motivators when everyone else was getting sleepy (Rocky, Reg, Smars, etc.) Weaknesses: - Being motivated by "honor" and retribution for those who had wronged us often led to a mentality where the goal was "be better than Violent Resolution" or "be better than Damage Inc." There were few periods where the goal was "be #1", and I believe that is a flaw that made us poorly motivated to defeat The Titans and (sometimes) Divine Forces. Keeping in mind that the leadership team was looking to potentially pass on the torch, but we opted for closing, we felt that EH was unlikely to be as successful (in terms of values and strength) as we wanted it to be under a different leadership team. I think Broski, Islamia, Grug, and I all hoped that Vengeance would be successful and we endorsed EH members joining that clan. You may wonder why, if we all endorsed VG, to not just allow EH to continue under the VG leadership? We had discussed that at the time of EH's closure, but (perhaps selfishly), we wanted Eternal Honour's name to be associated with the achievements accomplished by the clan that had closed. I did not keep up with VG closely as I had left the game prior to the clan's formation. I lurk on Deathrow forums, but can't comment on DR extensively as I am not associated with the clan. I think it looks like a fun group of highly skilled P2Pers. Nullusion in EH was thoughtful, strategically minded, and a dedicated leader. I personally saw him as my most likely successor and thought that VG would have the greatest chance of success with him at the helm, though perhaps jointly with some of the former EH council/commanders. I'm not in a good place to comment on how he leads DR, but I still see him as dedicated clanner and a good friend.
  9. I don't plan on joining any clans in OSRS for the time being and its likely that if I were interested in clans, I'd do a better job of shopping around and getting to know the clan world. If I decided that I was most interested in small scale, P2P combat, I would likely go to Deathrow. This is primarily due to my connection with Nullusion and because he is someone who I had a lot of respect for working alongside in EH. If I were interested in F2P combat, I would likely consider Tempest, as many of my old friends are here and I support the goals/vision of the clan. However, the F2P consideration is more challenging because I believe that (even after 10 years) it would be difficult for me to be serious or involved in large scale, long fights and truly dedicate myself to it. As silly as it is, I still consider myself EH and would have trouble motivating myself for a different venture.
  10. I don't feel like I can make an accurate assessment as an outsider looking in. Eternal Honour was a clan that was really motivated by our values. Whether correct or incorrect, we saw DF as a positive force that had ideals that were more similar to our own than Corruption. I believe that this was a metric that fluctuated through time and even fight to fight. If I had to pick one, I believe S17 was our best caller. Trying to take a shot at this with the acknowledgement that I am not involved in the current clan world and may be off-base. I don't think there is a place for honor as there was in 2006-2010 in the current clan world without major changes to thought processes or how the clan world works. Honor rules, if agreed to by the fight participants, can work to make the clan world a more enjoyable place for everyone. However, it requires willing participants and in the current structure of the clan world, crashing and no honor activities are the norm. Trying to abide by honor rules severely handicaps a clan if the other clan will not abide. Remember, everyone liked Ned Stark, but honor and trying to play by the rules got Ned's head cut off. I believe honor could be achieved where it can be forced in CWA (stops crashing, defines a clear winner, can set rules, penalizes wearing addy), but planned PKRIs with an uncapped number of people appear to be relatively unpopular with the current scene. In 2006, there was an honor rule that stipulated fights as occurring between the two sets of rocks near Members Gate. Going past these points was called "dragging" and was frowned upon. However, as time passed, EH became the last clan to enforce a "no-dragging" rule. Clans were beginning to take advantage of this and it was becoming apparent that, in this case, honor was a weakness. We made the choice to drop our "no-dragging" morals to adapt to the changing clan world and be more competitive with our contemporaries. From the perspective of who I didn't like fighting in battle: Corruption From the perspective of who I didn't like planning fights with: The Titans (TT was a clan that I felt had the most similar values to our own, they gave us great fights and were always a challenge. It was hard to get our members motivated to fight TT because everyone liked them, which made my job hard).
  11. Trevor was a great leader, but Eternal Honour's structure was such that we would have preferred multiple individuals leading. Islamia, Grug, and I long forsaw the closure of EH (back around March 2009 was when we started planning with closure not until August). For succession planning we had several individuals that we were trying to mentor to fulfill our roles. From a strategic perspective, we were looking to Nullusion and S17 to succeed me. However, we were most concerned about finding a replacement for Islamia/Broski and unsure if we had the right fit for the job coming up among the ranks to ensure our clan direction did not stray from the morals and ideals upon which we were founded.
  12. About Eternal Honour: Eternal Honour was formed following the closure of Sacred Templars in August of 2006 by Broski, Lord Grug, Ommoht, Pt37, and approximately 70 starting members. The members jointly voted on the name for the clan, which we felt embodied our goals, morals, and what we wanted to achieve in the clan community. Initial ranks (other than head leaders) were chosen by member voting and we quickly gained a lot of attention within the clan world. Eternal Honour grew quickly, prompting us to close recruitment on several occasions, and was known for 80%+ attendance rates in the early days. With just over 100 members, we pulled our first 300 option PK trip against Dark Slayers. Over the years, Eternal Honour had its ups and downs. There were periods where the clan was performing well, contending for rank 1, and periods where EH was in a slump, dropping to around rank 7. It was an exciting time to be in the clan world, where competition was rampant and fights were large. As a clan, we placed a high value on honor and the integrity of the clan world. We were the last major clan to cave on the "anti-dragging" rules of 2006 that set the boundaries of fights between the Member's Gate rocks. Unfortunately, we won't have any juicy stories on spying, as that is not something we ever took part in. We were always good for an AC, no matter who was involved in the fight and we had strict rules against our members on flaming on RSC (we had to warn, temporarily ban, or kick several members for this). Another thing to note is that while Eternal Honour's main focus was on pking/warring, we held an unusually high number of community events for a pking clan. There was a strong emphasis on community with there generally being multiple non-pking events each week. Violent Resolution liked to use the quip "Go back to the fishing trawler" on us during battles, which we enjoyed thoroughly and embraced as an internal slogan/joke. Eternal Honour's leadership structure differed from many other clans, with there generally being a three leader "triumvirate", though there were occasional periods throughout the clan when there were four or two leaders. Head leaders were generally focused on a particular area of expertise. 3lite led tactical planning and on the battlefield. Broski led clan direction, moral code, and grand vision. Islamia (and Darkpaladin9, Islamia's predecessor) led community efforts and internal clan administration. Lord Grug was an exception as he dabbled in all areas, helped to fill in if there were periods of inactivity with other leaders, and helped to discuss important decisions. EH closed in the fall of 2009 following a joint decision from the head leadership team as 3lite was admitted to post-graduate studies, Islamia was admitted to medical school, Broski was retired, and Lord Grug's activity had decreased. I have a lot of fond memories from those times and couldn't have asked for a better set of members to play alongside. 3lite: Hello everyone, my Runescape ingame name was 3lite. I joined EH as a founding member and Commander (PK leader) in 2006. In 2007, I was promoted to Holy Commander (Warlord) and then later that year to Grand Officer (Head Leader). I remained a Grand Officer until closure in 2009, though I did have a period of inactivity in 2008. The head leadership team in EH worked well because the leaders complimented each other's strengths and weaknesses. My strength and role was primarily as a tactician, battlefield leader, and fight planner. I felt fortunate to lead alongside Broski, Islamia, Lord Grug, Ommoht, and DarkPaladin9, all of whom were intelligent leaders that brought something to the table. I also feel fortunate to have been a part of a clan that I felt was a really positive force in the game and that I was able to share so many good moments with a diverse group of members. After EH closed, I was inactive for a lengthy period in Runescape and have only returned recently. I'm looking forward to this AMA and will do my best to answer any questions folks might have from a time very long ago.
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