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Bunny Guest
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Everything posted by dwg

  1. dwg

    What to do

    put it in her ass
  2. Fellow gang member and shooter get in brother
  3. not this guy again LOL!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Weren’t you in Illusion as wel
  5. dwg

    Favorite Sauce?

    Chili mango dry rub for wings ranch/honey mustard/cfa og for salads chicken fries etc depending on mood
  6. Ronin vs Poison early on in OSRS literally fought 15v15 every Sunday, neither clan had intel on each other but we literally “pked” and scrapped every Sunday for a while (kinda aids now that I think back about it but very memorable)
  7. During my time in Notorious we had beef with AA and being the underdogs just made us have a strong drive to smoke those freaks
  8. Pre downfall vs ronin crashwar was a pretty good short lived rivalry, they were pulling more than us on preps and spurs but didn’t have the drive that we did (which was clearly shown during the crashwar)
  9. Exodus vs CR Was my first step up into the bigger scene during summer of either 08 or 09, we literally fought cr everyday for like 2 weeks straight and the energy the clan had for those fights was insane and very enjoyable listening and battling with competent callers (didn’t really know anybody in CR but the atmosphere in Exodus just made me want to shit on cr everyday)
  10. Download team viewer I got u later
  11. dwg

    Next gen consoles

    Prob not immediately maybe down the line
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