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Everything posted by dwg

  1. What did you eat for lunch
  2. When we pking p2p captain
  3. LMAO no watermark thanks for the blessing my bro
  4. Ah yes jaggy saving the orb looty for me
  5. Boxerpup - Not sure if he had a bad day but my first time hearing him call was yesterday. blew a 3 kill lead called names with no locations (asked him for loc and he asked if we knew where his pile was LOL) got us dragged to their portal then said take it LMFAO @Dr Destiny @B4uz
  6. Amatuernoob, guy would call piles 3 mini maps away before energy potions were released (he took Duvasios to a whole new level and we even created a joke about him calling on a projecter in Downfall)
  7. LOOOL nothing u can do about lag + unlucky rng + ts being leaked
  8. 48 Laws of Power is my all time favorite
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