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Bolton Squad

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Everything posted by Bolton Squad

  1. That's quite the accomplishment, grats!
  2. Welcome back my man! I recently returned to the game myself and found a new love for it. We'll be right here to welcome you with open arms if you ever decide to join. Enjoy your stay!
  3. Welcome bud! I remember you from DK.
  4. Had a lot of fun! Was nice to get my feet wet again after so many years.
  5. Grats! Got a quest cape myself about a week ago. It's a great feeling!
  6. I haven't played a Zelda game since Ocarina of Time on N64. I have an itch to purchase a Nintendo Switch for the Mario and Smash Bro games.
  7. Oh damn, I just might. I love remastered versions of our beloved classics.
  8. Doubt that reason alone would make me quit since I've already invested a lot of time grinding.
  9. Just a few off the top of my head: VR vs RSD (long return fight) Elite Order vs Ronin (Sal's rivalry made it that much better) DK vs WL (easily our most organized fight. We had our highest pull in DK's history. Multiple top notch callers.
  10. Oh wow, what a small world! Lots of familiar faces in this clan with folks I've had a history with. Yeah I remember Pixie and Owned Thijs. That's awesome how you learned to call from being in CD. So you're using Pixie now? Haha, hello PH loot ? How's Krunal? Thanks bro! I can't believe it myself. Those were the good old days bro! It almost feels like I've been hiding in the mountains all this time. I decided to browse sharkbrew out of curiosity to see if if there was any F2P action in the clan scene. i came across a Tempest thread and didn't realize you were leader 'til I clicked on the forums, so I once I saw that I had to show up.
  11. Runescape Name 0 k Preferred Name Bolton Squad Discord ID Bolton Squad#3248 Current Clan Clanless Previous Clan History Started clanning back in Runescape Classic so I do not remember my entire clan history from the top of my head, but some of the most notable ones are: The Sabres United Freedom Fighters-Captain Violent Resolution-Joined with 1 of my old friends Xshinobizx Silent Strike-Leader(was 1 of the top clans on Sal's Community) Elite Order-Leader( Top Sal's clan at 1 point. Decided to bring my Silent Strike members to create Elite Order with some individuals) Critical Damage-Chancellor(The original Critical Damage led by Tukuruk and Maurice05) Triforce Vitality-Council Noobs Inc. (La Hire and Mika Remake along with James Br0wn) Crashlord/High Council Divine Kings-High Council(my last clan before I quit the game. This was before EoC was even mentioned) Are you interested in joining? I'm considering it. Brief Introduction As I've mentioned I have been away from the game and main clan scene for a while.(Pre EoC main clanner) I was very active on Zybez during it's peak years. I played this game mostly for clanning and pking although since returning, I seemed to have found somewhat of an enjoyment in other facets of the game. Probably due to the nostalgia of starting from scratch. I started playing Runescape when it was released back in classic. I was very active during my time in the game and clan community, but I am obviously not a teenager anymore so I will try my best to contribute. I love to workout, stay active, read, and self educate.
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