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Everything posted by Kura

  1. well i find these type of medieval movies kinda boring tbh, unrealistically dramatic and too many choreographic fight scenes
  2. this video's so good it makes me want to leave tempest so i can join again ❤️
  3. 360 opts on TS, no wonder why RoT didn't fight back. What an intense night. GF!
  4. woddopp Liam!! wish you a fast recovery ^^
  5. Always competitive fighting you guys, gf PD!
  6. Do you find playing by yourself all that fun? To be fair I don't even log in anymore besides for clan related stuff. That's why I started playing and I don't think I'm changing that now Is being efficient good or bad for the health of the game or the community at large? Probably good for the game and bad to the community What do you find the most fun on RS? Clan events or any social gathering I can attend. Usually I'm way more into FPS than MMO. I wouldnt say RS is an exception tho, I only play it bc of its unique warring aspects which you wont find on any FPS
  7. heya Diana 👍🏻
  8. Well done, frens. Thanks Rev for the battle.
  9. im very much into FPS, been playing for more than 10+ years (and still do, even more than RS) and i guarantee you almost every competitive game atm is packed up with all sorts of cheats, custom botting, hardware hacks etc now you either play with your friends just for the sake of it or you loose your mind dealing with a hacker per round. it's getting so blatantly obvious when they're cheating that this new type of bots makes it easier to quit the game sooner lmao
  10. [strong] terror gratz, getting there buddy
  11. before crashing out into bed yesterday I did some editing shenanigans [graphic]: if u ever have gotten the grammar dead ass wrong, if u ever apologized for your hi sorry for my bad english if u ever asked for ur grandma's blessings before going out to commit a couple of sins in the night this sig is for u, my fellow latin frens ❤️ and if u want some sig for yourself just pm someone else bc I suck at this so bad lmao please, rate
  12. always wanted a dodge dakota despite every owner complaining about it breaking alot
  13. Veni Vidi Violated LMAO expekt dynasty tbh
  14. if I'm having a chance to see beautiful people walking around I'm taking it sorry
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