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Everything posted by Kura

  1. Hello Nick!! Welcome ^^
  2. I think it's safe to say that at their prime both RSD and ROT were successful doing the exact opposite the other did. IMO any clan can thrive either by playing by the books or being completely chaotic. Personally I would feel safer in the first kind but would be more motivated in the second. Detaching your real persona from your online self can be very healthy if it means getting some stress relief out of being retard on purpose sometimes lmao. As long as you keep IRL stuff off the table then I don't think it can cause any harm psychologically, even if it's not completely ethical (leaking, spying, crashing).
  3. y'all brains must've been in quarantine since birth tbh
  4. Nanne's fren is already my fren, welcome!!
  5. What's up Ray, welcome!!
  6. bring back dungeoneering and fog items
  7. someone found my wallet with my address in it, just drove me home and carried me to bed after I passed out swimming drunk on the beach and just left a nice sandcastle in the room that was so cute ❤️❤️❤️ plz marry
  8. I mean virgo vaca in portuguese means virgin cow so
  9. the vibe thermostat every clan needs, you simply won't see any negative energy when he's around
  10. Kura

    lmao zulrah

    Easy for almost Tempy gratzzz
  11. Y NO TE HAS CANSADO????????//?/??// DE HACERME ENVIDIA PUTO BOLUDO ❤️ GRATZ!!!!11!!!1!1!
  12. Looked fun to both. Thanks, DF! ^^
  13. Seemed intense. Great work, Sailormen. Ty once again, CL!
  14. Hopefully you'll get both the action and the welcoming environment you're searching here. Welcome. 🙂
  15. Bro that's cool as fuck your name's literally some badass username LMAO Welcome to the forums!!
  16. Gf Pd! Always a pleasure fighting you guys. ^^
  17. either a Blue Heeler or a Greyhound
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