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Everything posted by Killaz

  1. Killaz

    99 rc

    Absolute madlad Gzzzz
  2. lmao tim catch a breath dude!!! grats on the clean fight lmao
  3. Killaz


    Share I tbed Big Gz the bank is growing nicely
  4. Lmfao at the swing spam Hah Gz lads and laddettes
  5. M8 it's so hot there a huge fire in Langley right now I can see it from my house Lmao
  6. Big boss!! Huge milestone grats!
  7. nah, ever since ddosing and doxing became a thing in this game my irl and gaming never meet or at least I try not to
  8. Halo 100%. The entire series was genuinely a childhood and a half. I remember playing CE on the school computers through a USB with the m8s we do blood giltch snipers only. We even got the comp sci teach in some of the games with us. When I talk about the good ol days, halo is definitely a huge part of it
  9. Killaz

    97 farming

    Casey the farmer Gzzzz
  10. Although I hate to admit, I think it was when the crash war first started for solace. I forgot the back story but someone was having a fight (Ph or some other mid sized) and they were getting crashed hard and I was pretty fresh in solace just got member, Fm called a mass and we pulled like 90 people in 10 mins or something, my first pvp at that level, don't think I've ever been in one with that many people since. I still remember what he said "you know how people call for reinforcements? Well WE are the reinforcements" Bull rushed whoever was there and cleared em all. Went downhill ever since LOL
  11. Kraken, brutal blacks, thermonuclear are pretty solid ones imo Edit: lizard shamans are great to 2.5k kc no dwh tho big F These are all pretty simple straightforward laid back tasks, unlike vork or demonics where you have to pay attention every attack
  12. I fucking love pickles. I love the pickle juice, same with jalapeño and banana peppers. Shits awesome
  13. Killaz

    Minions pt.2

    Lmfao that’s fucking hilarious it’s like y’all yeeted them off the map
  14. Gz lads and ladettes Can't believe they think pulling up in addy just for a return ticket to lumby is fun big yikes
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