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Everything posted by Killaz

  1. not missing much pretty bad drops tbh slayer only task you beat me by going to corp or gwd lmao i've never been any of those since back in envy time
  2. on the real tho, contrary to the movie 300, sikh warriors made whats called the greatest last stand in history at the "battle of saragarhi" it was 21 v 24,000, the sikh men killed 1400+ in their final stand, they were considered british subjects during this time so it was a last stand to protect the british post the next day the british were able to bring reinforcements like the end of the movie 300 and win the battle
  3. Killaz


    prob ontario to see some uni m8s and any family i have left there vegas, seattle etc of course
  4. Killaz


    Yeah Sol had like 4 people 200m dg and that's all they did some of us just leeched off of them lol I remember when @Casey and @Ssj camped me when they were in genesis returning for a fight 🖕🖕
  5. The UK tbh Tf u 4nrs saying anyways
  6. gzzzzzz hey i see me there l0000000000000000000000000000000000000
  7. Do you find drama and beef enjoyable to some extent or would you prefer everything to be nice and respectful? keyboard warriors is ok dislike is crash war esq stuff and when it becomes out of game botnet shit. not only does that kill competitiveness it also kills that game. I think the fun we had was the "war" with envy vs bk we kept it strictly in game lulz style which was fun Where do you draw the line? Is talking shit and flaming ok? ehh its natural imo, when irl stuff gets brought in it gets too far also when like EVERY fight gets crashed it gets annoying, that's probbaly what i disliked the most around the time I was in solace, it was all crash them crash us crash them again thats it. How the fuck is that fun? How do you think this effects how PvP is viewed amongst normal players? according to reddit fuck pvp LOL they hate it What's been your favourite drama, beef or rivalry of the years? Any stories to tell? envy v bk What's the dumbest shit you've seen another clan or individual do to someone else? ddos Was anyone else surprised at how well my AMA went lmfao? ye
  8. Hate the chompy grind!! Very much a patient e test lol gz
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