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Everything posted by IMK

  1. IMK

    Story night

    [quote]someone in tempest[/quote]
  2. There's nothing better than some eggs, bacon, and pancakes for dinner
  3. I've never had any particular incident (that I can recall), but I've been swept up by numerous riptides in my youth, some of them dangerous enough to set off the whole "fight or flight" mode in your brain and set your adrenaline to maximum. But you kind of learn at a young age how to deal with that sort of thing when you live where I do, so thankfully it always turned out alright.
  4. I've eaten mine and several other people's. It definitely changes you.
  5. After being kidnapped and terrorized by Harley Quinn, do you ever have dreams of it happening again but this time she keeps you at the lab tied up, rips off your toe nails, grinds them up in a pestle & mortar, and then sprinkles the dust into your mouth?
  6. You need elite void btw. Only certain people are still wearing normal void in 2021
  7. IMK

    IMK, AMA

    Thanks for the questions. That's it for me.
  8. IMK

    IMK, AMA

    Hard to say. I don't think there's anyone in F2P who is miles ahead of anyone else really. So even without clients, I think it'd still fall to who did better at that specific fight between Temp/Rev/AF. As for P2P, hmm... I think initially it would be Rev. DF, in my opinion, has some of the best mages in the scene (of course, we definitely have some who would make people say otherwise) so I think once they got used to warring without player indicators (to easier tell what's a good clump to barrage and what one isn't, etc) it would be far closer and maybe we'd even be higher. Unsure though. I'm sorry Scump, but I'm going to have say it's Bab. Sadly he's a ghost now though. A fair amount Maybe when I'm retired Disappointed, but it was pretty expected. You can't expect to win the whole thing on the lowest payroll in the league. Getting to the WS was astonishing in itself. It was pretty decent Pretty decent clan, albeit with a goofy name. All of the ex-EH I've met over the years have always been pretty solid individuals though. F: Boss Anthony M: Bab K: Bob Kelso
  9. IMK

    IMK, AMA

    Honestly, the PH thing was never a big deal. To my recollection, you guys would only have like a small snipe unit at our fights. Not really full on crashing (at least not regularly). I don't know if you guys happened to camp him at one of those fights, because he was furious over the matter. Most of the other officials didn't really care much. So he pretty much went and did that whole topic/apology on his own and pissed everyone off. That was actually a few days before I had left the clan, although unrelated to that incident in particular. I think he's good a good leader to people who don't know any better. People who aren't really experienced. He leads those kind of people well, as they have very little expectations and can be easily controlled. I would say it's pretty interesting. Although the kind of moderation is very different. Zybez rules changed all the time but I do remember getting -1'd quite a few times over some pretty small stuff, compared to a place like Sharkbrew where you can pretty much say anything except doxing, excessive irl flames, or multiple racist remarks. Which is funny in itself, because a lot of people claim SB to be a "safe space", but don't realize that the communities before it (and not just Zybez) were FAR less lenient. Overall though, I don't put a whole lot of time into Sharkbrew. I know a lot of Zybez mods really went the extra mile for that site, but aside from a select few, I feel it's pretty much a side gig for a lot of the staff at SB. All I really do these days is act as a consultant on dealing with bans/warns/etc, since we do have a very hard time staying consistent with punishments. I think that entire area was very helpful to the growth of PKing. Two pretty popular minigames just being out there in the wilderness, steps away from death... It worked well. All of the CC teams would constantly fight it out down there. Both in F2P & P2P. I'd say it's hard to replicate that sort of thing in the modern game though. There's such a stigma against PKing at all that most people don't even want to bother because of it. Honestly, it's hard to say. I used OpenOSRS myself not too long ago, I used it solely for the friendfinder shit, but I did mess around with a few other plugins like TB timers & freeze timers (which are incredibly OP in things like RSB). I felt pretty dirty after a few days though and stopped using them. Then the entire client as a whole not too long after. So my stance on clients/plugins is that anything that gives you too much information about your opponent to provide an advantage is pretty unethical imo. And obviously it goes without saying that anything that automates a PvP process for you is beyond cringe (aka all of VR's plugins). If F2P fights stayed like this (random fight from before the box meta), then I would say F2P > P2P. A little less active. Maybe more emphasis on big weekend events as more people get busy with in-office work schedules etc on the weekdays. Hard to say. It's very different from Zybez. It is a bit of a hassle having to wade through all of the pure clan stuff. And the Discord is VERY toxic (people get banned daily for doxes etc). So really depends on what you're looking for.
  10. IMK

    IMK, AMA

    There are a lot of weird, hateful dudes in the clan world who for years have always just outright hated female clanners. They claim that it's because female clanners are all attention seekers, drama queens, etc. But for anyone who has clanned for a long time, you'll know this is mostly untrue. However, every now and then, you meet one the females that cause men to act this way. In Exodus, that female was Jacqui. She joined the clan in early 2010. I don't remember who recruited her or how she came to the clan. That said, she didn't really seem to be a problem at first. But once her FA period was over and she became a member, things started to change. She started to become extremely flirtatious with just about any dude in the clan who was "somebody". She'd even PM me quite a bit with a bunch of uh... Questionable comments. Thankfully, she was British and sounded like some private school teacher from a movie or something. So her comments were mostly just weird to me. But I imagine not all men found them to be so. Because eventually, one such man fell into her trap. She began e-dating Lancealot646 (one of Exo's leaders at the time). This became an issue almost immediately. She began to get him to start giving her special treatment. Things like OP in IRC, among other things. She got caught skipping to play WoW a couple times and nothing was done. She'd sometimes make weird topics sometimes that were just fucking ridiculous like "Demote _ and promote _" and EVERYONE would be confused. She'd do awful in fights and if someone said something to her, they'd get kicked from TS or IRC or something. She'd go into people's PMs like she was fucking Littlefinger from GoT or something just trying to turn people against other people and shit. It got to the point where people were just slowly leaving over it. So, I posted a topic in officials forum suggesting that we should remove her from the clan as this was getting very much out of hand. Only a few officials agreed with me, but not enough. So we kept her. And then something big went down. The worst part about this whole thing is that I remember all of the little shit she did to annoy people and cause drama, but I legit cannot remember the big incident that went down... But it was big enough to cause like 15-20 people to leave the clan within a week. I was infuriated about this. Somewhere out there, there's a video on YT of the big meeting we had on TS where she just starts crying for attention. She & Lance ended up leaving after the big storm. Anyway, clan was pretty much donezo after this, we had a ML of like 35 people and I ragequit with my friends and went to RJ. Exo would go on to survive by recruiting like 15 people from some Brazilian clan.
  11. IMK

    IMK, AMA

    1. Watchmen 2. Smallville 3. Doom Patrol Rest aren't worth mentioning. 1. Aquaman 2. Wonder Woman 3. Snyder's Justice League Rest suck Bale of course.
  12. IMK

    IMK, AMA

    Wow thanks man! Sort of. But if you were to say without him mentioning "in my day", then no. I just feel that he wanted to feel special and we didn't treat him that way. He constantly tried to have an opinion on the modern clan world and NONE of it made sense. I'm sure he meant well with the ideas/thoughts on things, but he really did not take it well when told otherwise about them being good etc. I do respect that he tried to come back and find a place in the clan, even if doing it in a god awful way. I'm sure the RSD comments never sat well with him either. It's a shame he decided to throw everything away just because he wasn't celebrated as a legend and instead spends his days flaming the clan. I guess it depends on how many people are actually using a client, what plugins that client has, if they're well tested and used plugins (aka not buggy), etc. But if a clan has a good chunk of their members using a specialized PvP client vs a clan that does not, then yes, it does say something. However, I don't think any clan (even VR) forces their members to use these clients and plugins, because if they did, I don't see how a clan could lose otherwise.
  13. IMK

    IMK, AMA

    Pato is an acquired taste. And if you're not someone who can meme/troll/flame in a way without looking super angry/salty, he's going to tilt the fuck out of you. Which is why he's never really bothered me as much as some people seem to dislike/and or hate him. He's definitely a funny dude though, you've just got to put yourself on his wavelength. Decent caller too when he wants to put in the effort towards a clan.
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