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Everything posted by Brazz

  1. Gj boys, missed it at the last minute.
  2. Brazz


    would have been fun
  3. Brazz

    89 Con

    whats your realistic xp per hour?
  4. this mans grinding, keep it up
  5. Brazz

    89 Con

    Congrats dude, hows the mahogany homes minigame? I'm considering it for the grind of 86-99.
  6. Both. My phone uses light mode while the sun is up and dark mode at night.
  7. Congrats man very nice
  8. Brazz

    show & tell

    looks tasty man
  9. Brazz

    2 Days..

    good shit man keep it up
  10. Brazz

    4 Skills Left

    Keep up the grind man
  11. Brazz

    Marvel vs. DC

    The Dark Knight is my favourite movie of all time, Batman is also my favourite superhero of all time. The current MCU is substantially better than anything DC has done recently and the MCU disney plus shows are better than the arrowverse stuff imo. Could never get into that. DC animated shows like the Batman animated series are better than anything marvel has done. Haven't read any but I heard DC comics are also better?? In general I'd say Marvel over DC but Batman > Everything.
  12. Brazz

    95 magic

    congrats man very nice
  13. Welcome to the community
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