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Everything posted by Brazz

  1. Not sure if I have a game I would wipe, but being able to watch a show like the Office or Friends again for the first time would be awesome.
  2. Brazz

    IMK, AMA

    Thoughts on VR's 3-5 picture topics where they so clearly dominated their opponents?
  3. I've had 3 white claws in a day as well, congrats
  4. Think mine is in the 1:10 range
  5. Brazz

    IMK, AMA

    Honest thoughts on Tempest? How many birthdays do you think Tempest will celebrate?
  6. I'd say Raams, Romdath or Michele Ac were the closest I've gotten to an IRL friend level in RS.
  7. nice drop congrats! avoided the long grind lol
  8. kraken or blue drags for vork
  9. Only my 126 account. I only log in to war these days.
  10. Yeah, I’m a coffee man. Haven’t tried any energy drinks outside of redbull or monster!
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