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Everything posted by Brazz

  1. Brazz


    no kids yet, not too fussed either way but im probably 51/49 in favour of having kids
  2. I don’t really care, let people do whatever they want.
  3. Not too excited for this tbh
  4. Wish I had spent more personal time practicing basketball but nothing major tbh
  5. Awesome man congrats
  6. Porn isn’t cheating imo. Now if you’re a weirdo that’s rubbing one out to friends instagrams or something then you got a problem. Same way people in couples can talk about celebrity crushes etc. Don’t love the idea about dating someone with an OF but if it’s making a shit ton of money or something they really wanna do then maybe? Idk it’s a case by case basis I think. It’s also okay to say it’s a deal breaker imo, just not for me.
  7. If restrictions lifted in your area, would you trend back to pre-covid activities? In Ontario we just went into another month long lockdown lol If things were returning to their normal state I think it would take me a little while to get back to a full pre-pandemic lifestyle.
  8. Yugioh show and cards were way better imo Only thing Pokemon has is the games
  9. men cause the straight cisgendered able bodied white men are always the officials
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