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Everything posted by Brazz

  1. Theres good and bad aspects to it, and I think the good outweighs the bad in most cases.
  2. This. Fellowship used to be my least favourite when I was young as it's a little slower and less action. But I appreciate it way more now for what it does for the trilogy and as a movie it's still insanely good.
  3. The event horizon of the black hole at the centre of the coma cluster has a diameter the same size as the orbit of pluto sorry i like space stuff
  4. 99.85% of the mass of our solar system is just the sun
  5. Brazz


    fucking anywhere at this point
  6. You can fit every planet in our solar system between the earth and the moon.
  7. welcome to the community mate
  8. This guy isn't the smallest channel but probably my favourite food one. His cooking is very approachable and simple for a home cook. Unlike some of the more popular channels that require fancier equipment or loads of work. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDq5v10l4wkV5-ZBIJJFbzQ
  9. Brazz


    99 by next week at this rate
  10. Good luck on the grind Eric sir
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