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Everything posted by Brazz

  1. Brazz

    Wee Man AMA

    How's your quarantine been fellow Alex? Have you taken up a new hobby, fallen into a deep depression, eaten a ton of take out, etc. etc.
  2. Brazz


    Welcome to the community mate
  3. woooo congrats thats sick
  4. Stepped on a lego brick once πŸ’€
  5. FOG/DG items for me too And they should fix snares regardless
  6. Brazz

    6 jads

    Huge congrats that’s bonkers
  7. some sports related accomplishments for me
  8. Brazz

    poo RNG

    congrats rich boy
  9. I'm sure something would happen to create a new one, spastics gonna spastic.
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