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Everything posted by Brazz

  1. USA or China. Both the US government and the CCP are utterly garbage leadership.
  2. I voted no but ill smoke a dart if im hammered, goes well with a beer drunk
  3. welcome to the community mate
  4. Tom Cruise completing an impossible mission does not mean the mission wasn't impossible. It says more about Tom Cruise than it does the mission.
  5. Do you find drama and beef enjoyable to some extent or would you prefer everything to be nice and respectful? Nah you need some beef and drama Where do you draw the line? Is talking shit and flaming ok? taking shit out of game is ridiculous and some of the irl flames over the years have gone too far imo How do you think this effects how PvP is viewed amongst normal players? People think were all spastics instead of it being a vocal minority What's been your favourite drama, beef or rivalry of the years? Any stories to tell? Sol vs Eos was the funniest and most enjoyable beef I was a part of. What's the dumbest shit you've seen another clan or individual do to someone else? doxing is ridiculous Was anyone else surprised at how well my AMA went lmfao? nah you're a gem mate
  6. Brazz

    126 club

    Heck yeah congrats man
  7. Brazz


    Only a few left congrats
  8. That's awesome! That dude looks so wholesome. I recently found some of my old gamecube games and @Victoria (THANKS AGAIN💙) helped me price them so that I made ~$500 total on about 8 of them. Gonna try and donate the rest of them or something similar that are $20 and below.
  9. Brazz

    97/99 RC

    hell yeah man congrats
  10. hell yeah congrats on finishing the grind
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