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Everything posted by Brazz

  1. $35 CAD, not sure what the US price is.
  2. I figure most of you guys watch shit ILLEGALLY but what do you guys think of the whole charging a premium to watch a movie early on a subscription service you've already paid for? Seems like this is a pretty heated debate online atm with Raya: The Last Dragon and Mulan charging $35 to watch recently. Do you think this sort of thing is the future with simultaneous theatre releases?
  3. I will never forget this betrayal in MW2
  4. Yeah im a fan of the new decriminalization approach to drugs
  5. Brazz

    Very Stronk

    very stronk indeed
  6. Brazz

    Maxing dreams

    congrats man looking good
  7. Welcome man, fuck boston sports tho
  8. Living in Coco would be sweet, afterlife looks fun af
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