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Everything posted by Brazz

  1. Yeah I need to get MTA done for this, congrats
  2. Thats a good one congrats
  3. What kind of fiction do you read? Do you enjoy f2p or p2p fights more?
  4. Brazz


    thats insane congrats
  5. Are there people in Tempest that you had an image or impression of before and its changed while in Tempest?
  6. Yeah I second what @true said. I need to hear more about this LMAO. Can you call anyone out?
  7. Brazz


    Mods shut down #achievements so gotta come here to get my gzz
  8. You've been a steady force in Tempest, thanks so much for your work. 💙 I think when FSK closed some of them joined Vanguard, what was your opinion on those who joined? Any stories/etc. worth sharing? (Could be mixing up clans here sorry, I was barely active when they closed.) What's your favourite meal? Where do you think Tempest excels the most currently?
  9. congrats man, love the grind
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