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Old School
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Everything posted by Nanne30

  1. fun times when TRWF was around, fun clan to fight.
  2. i believe ppl that picked biden are trolling
  3. Nanne30


    what is that minigame?
  4. wheel of name sucks donkey dick! id let the elfs suck on the good stuff
  5. Nanne30

    95 Mining

    gtz bro! mining sucks so bad, why are you doing this to yourself?
  6. tbh only clans that would fight us are ROT and Deathrow, rest dont even exist now-a-days. VR can attempt but when was the last time they actually faught us 1v1 haha
  7. Nanne30

    Have you?

    You guys should learn how to swim what the fuck.
  8. Nanne30

    Have you?

    Have you ever had a close to death experience?
  9. Jello move on dwights things was funny, but yes the bathroom scene hahahah
  10. What has been your worst experience on a work enviorment? What is the worst thing you have seen on the office? Has your boss or someone ever given you a hard time at work? What would it take you to quit your job? Are you happy with your Job? What do you like about your job? Best thing that has ever happened to you at work? Are you friends with your co workers or do you try to avoid them?
  11. i would have to say the bribrish, something about the iron men that i dont like
  12. I would deff fight for my country. We dont have a army though haha
  13. its time for you to become a famouse youtuber my son. get it done!
  14. IF your country was attacked or invaded (russian scale towards Ukraine type of invasion). Would you enlist in the army, navy, airforce to go fight? If you fit the age and all requirements? OR would you leave your country ?
  15. gtz! probably top 3 worst skills to train
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