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Everything posted by Nanne30

  1. Nanne30

    Side Hustle

    YO Yo yo waddup tempy. IRL Topic besides your main line of work do you have a side hustle? Do you generate passive income? If you do. what do you do and how you ended up doing it? Im currently working on a side hustle its a property management company, since i work in real estate, ive been able to recruit a couple of condos, will launch on october which is the worst months inr ental here followed by the best months year round so we will see what happens. Basically i am creating a website where i can list properties for buy/sell (my own listings) and i also offer property management services, rentals and i have great discounts with tour operators (they send a fee for every client we will be sending). So i was a little worried about how i can get more leads.. So i invited a friend to join me. He happily did while he is still on his main job, he works for a mayor property mangement company and he has noticed that out of 10 leads he get 3 from the company. Rest from word of mouth and he has got a lot of expertise in the area. We would be charging 25% of the monthly earnings, we offer to pay water, power, HOA and anything that needs to be repaired under $100 all from the earnings, client will just earn passive income.... We also offer doing just the rentals or other stuff for a smaller %. We will see how it goes, if it works its another line of income of not its another lesson learned in the book of life. I am not quitting my job im just complementing it, been looking for ways to start generating passive income i believe once we get a good solid client base the buisness will start walking alone, we got the maids, handy mans and we are placinf a safe with a key at the door for recieving clients, we will be doing only condos not stand alone homes because we would need to be phisically over there to recieve the guests haha.
  2. 2k total. This should be a clan req for entering the worlds when we pk or fight
  3. RAW list was awesome, we should bring that back up!
  4. BK was never the strongest and DI was really organized and strong.
  5. wow thats like 20ppl only lmfao
  6. So i was looking at old RS vids and found a song that people used to use a lot on runescape videos hahaha. What old songs do you remember ppl used on their war videos? kinda cringe
  7. Thank you everyone it has been an amazing journey! 4 yearas here we come!
  8. great job fellas! Thanks Valhalla for stepping up
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