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Old School
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Everything posted by Nanne30

  1. only once ive been able to smell colors. GTZ bro!
  2. Well Fellas, im a big fan of music, found this amazing korean band and some others i wanted to share with all of you. This can be new to some and old to others, what matters is to enjoy it Pura vida ❤️ tempy
  3. glad i could make this before going on vacations gj fellas! was super fun
  4. sailing would have to be. If not this will alter wilderness.
  5. welcome to forums mate, what was ur rsn in solace? i was in it as well
  6. nice bro! Good to see you got over our defeat in Arma XD
  7. Draw me like one of your french girls

  8. ez for tempy, amazing job fellas as usual
  9. well there is only 1 clan that belongs on #1 and that is divine fags
  10. depends on the bank, if its a bank owned by the goverment then yeah. Private banks should see for their own
  11. Tempest owns the Clan World

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