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Old School
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Everything posted by Nanne30

  1. Nanne30


    Guessing everyone has seen the news of the new AI and what he is doing. What you guys think they should do with it? What you think about the AI?
  2. noob

    1. Celtic Hero

      Celtic Hero

      Takes one to know one 😉

    2. Nanne30


      Where is your app brother?

  3. Yo brother! waddup

  4. lets go chiefs! Thoug Eagles was the best and strongest team of the regular season.
  5. gj fellas! it was impossible for me to make it yesterday!
  6. can wipe after, i would get my Cz P07 and shoot that mother fucker i
  7. Hey @Isndar welcome to forums. I used to stay up late nights (for me) and hunt down the noobs TNC with SOK i remember Vajko and kiongkiongku they always invited me super cool guys. Are they still around?
  8. @Celtic Hero @zhandaly @The End and @Flukejiver has gotta be on that list as well
  9. Hey James welcome to forums, i remember Anarchy they used to mass on w35 edge.
  10. gtz bro, i only have FC as well hahaha
  11. good feast boys! sucks i mised it
  12. planned on making this, unfortunatly had to attend some family matters, glad you guys did great! cant wait for next time we own.
  13. this looke like so much fun! sorry i missed it, spent the day on the field working.
  14. wee man for selling us out on zybez XD
  15. Absolute legend, welcome home! Hope you make it!
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