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Old School
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Everything posted by Nanne30

  1. Vr DF sucks, will always suck Ronin or PH
  2. gj fellas uncontested we own the wilderness
  3. Welcome to the Jungle bro. Also corporate america sucks! No life quality
  4. i work at what ever time a client messages me real estate works 24/7 get the sales done son!
  5. gj fellas! looked super fun! sucks i couldnt make it 😞 we da best
  6. In your oppinion which is the best game ever all categories. for PC: For console: Recently sold my ps4 and just bought a ps5 like 2 weeks ago. This jewel just dropped yesterday
  7. easy money for tempy we the best of the best gj fellas
  8. dam i need to hit this spot gtz bro!
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