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Old School
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Everything posted by Nanne30

  1. gtz bro! I know how skilling sucks!
  2. 😄 Watching nfl tomorrow?
  3. need 2k post count thanks ! King charles 1st day of work yday XD
  4. nice bro! massive bank! need to head over there and get some action
  5. @Casey will get it in a day or so l0l except if im on his team, then he goes dry
  6. Fuck yeah! nice job fellas! we da best
  7. Nanne30

    New Season

    All of us tonight. Who you rooting for? Predictions this year? 49ers or ravens to Super bowl
  8. Nanne30

    im back

    gtz bro! didnt knew you where a skiller
  9. gtz dude! sick pet! trash panda!
  10. Nanne30

    expert etc

    nice bro i still have to try this new minigame
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