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Old School
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Everything posted by Nanne30

  1. i love war films, i love guns i love to shoot them, to clean them and look at it. I love my CZ p07 and yes i live in a country with no army and of peace, but i like having a gun at home to protect my family just in case
  2. looked so much fun!!! gj fellas we the best! Thx 4 the scap playdead

  4. im extrovert my wife is introvert we mix good
  5. probably get banned if they catch you, good ole days of templite are over, glad i got 99 magic splashing on 2 accounts while i was asleep hahaha
  6. Its been a pleasure lets keep owning, and being our best version everyday, we can only get better and better
  7. fuck yeah we win again!! Wonder if Vr would fight us for those 100m back XD
  8. we used to be really good friends. Any idea what happend to him? is he still playing?
  9. Welcome mate! Keep the grind up! Did you knew in CL The sun man0?
  10. Thx for the fight! always a pleasure to do f2p. Rot Alliance are weakkkkkkkkkk
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