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Old School
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Everything posted by Nanne30

  1. Q1: have you ever enjoyed content for games you never played and didn't try? nope Q2: have you ever enjoyed media for a game (excluding trailers and hype) that compelled you to try a game? Yeah the cod trailers, new map in resurgence is awesome, its in amsterdam
  2. Hey dude i remember u from solace. Welcome to forums
  3. TT won, DF was just outlasting and holding on to dear life being chased around they wildy, but at the end of the day they where really used to doing that, being under RSD, TT, DI, VR foot
  4. Welcome to forums, we met the other day in cc.
  5. what am i supposed to be wearing over there then? lol 55 wildy multi
  6. man this looked so much fun! great job fellas, hopefully i can make our next f2p encounter!
  7. I did played RS, i was not in fally when that happened, i found out after haha. Would of been cool to see it though, and yes i am model 89 going strong
  8. hey dude, welcome to forums. I am a avid angler as well! What do you usually target? Where do you fish? Try placing some more effort on your intro!
  9. well if you could train meowth to talk and get a female one, then you will be eating pussy XD
  10. found out a week before quest cape, i have yet to visit wise old man to to the cleanse, i really need to do it.
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