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Everything posted by Frankventura

  1. Fewest of the Brazillian people got to know each other because its a really wide country. But i'm portuguese and managed to guide @D96 in Lisbon back in 2015 (we were exotic back then) But the portuguese have a community running since 2001 and back in 2009-12 and also in 2019 we scheduled alot of irl meeting in specific places of Portugal during a weekend. But the most remarkable one was in 2010, it happened in Aveiro, the meeting that we had 25-30 players there, we had Shadow Mix (WL Leader), Goodwar15 (TCL Leader), Alfa (portuguese community founder) and Telmomarques (#1 world overall at that time) all present
  2. I think some underestimated us, even some portuguese and brazillian still underestimate what we did and what we still do nowadays. Mostly because country projects are felt that way. And thats good because we did surprise most of our challengers and people who crossed our path. Just to tell you that DreadPandora no longer plays but we will talk. He was like 2 months ago at a portuguese tv show. He's a business man, had his business closed (and still closed) due to the pandemic and he reinvented himself and opened another business thats running really well. And also he was the one who, with me, recruited all those 20 portuguese people to TCL back in 2008. Answering to the portuguese side of that question, I and DreadPandora were always influent in the portuguese community (a community that started back in 2001 and still exists) and we had a project called Team Portugal, we were both leaders, despite having members of WL, HA, MMA, when people did think about joining a clan, they considered TCL because of us. Maintaining the numbers was associated with keeping the players motivated
  3. A fight against WL where we had sleeping shifts, because of the 4 hours difference between Portugal and Brazil, I was one of the earlier sleepers and continued fighting in the morning. I think it was one of the fewest times I fought in the morning ahah I was a school boy at that time and I was always good at school so I didnt study too much. But back at 2010, the night I had some beers with WL and TCL leaders simultaneously I was already at high school. But I was staff of the portuguese community back then and it was a place where all rivalries were set aside and the community was the reason of irl meetings happening and we got that meeting where also Telmomarques (#1 world overall, first to 120 dungeon) was there too
  4. TCL had a huge impact from late 2008 to 2012 but WL was around for much time and always at the top with high performances and this makes it a really difficult question. He puts alot of his time into this project and thats why it is successful. Paying attention to all members, to every detail, trying to know each member and how to get the best out of that member. If actual WL has a remarkable quality, thats D96 effort I'm really glad they existed because they worked as smaller communities that up to this day every member can recall and staff members could improve their staff experiences. There was this small portuguese clan called Tugas Revolution that lasted for like the same time as TCL and people still talk about it nowadays and Luis417 (wl official atm) was leader and developed huge experience at that time. Couldn't pick any other clan, my home community was the SoG-TCL related ones, even at Retaliation/Exotic there was that community base present
  5. Hello every1, my name is Frankventura and most of you know me from recent wars or back from Divine Forces. I started my clanning experience back in 2005 and most of my clanning was with country clans. My first clan was a small Portuguese clan called Thunder Knights. Then I joined Massive Demolution (portuguese/brazillian) in 2005-06 where I was a council and then leader for the last months. Start of 2007 I was at one of the most iconic country clans ever, Swords of Glory, only for 6 months. Late 2007, former members of SoG decided to open The Call of Legends. This might have been the most important clan experience in my career. Was a starting member of TCL and wasn't a member for like 6 months in early 2008. Then I came back from a quitting RS, rejoined then recruited 20 Portuguese people. Since then, the rivalry with WL was real as our numbers grew strong and members learnt how to perform. In 2009 I became TCL Warlord and the funniest part of it was the 1st Jagex Cup, trying to find out that random clan with weird timezones to schedule a war at inconvenient time. But we were drafted RoT at early rounds and that was it. At that time I stepped my staff roles because of my other 2 Portuguese RS projects, Team Portugal (I was leader for a year and half) and Portuguese community (admin for 4 years and official jagex gold fansite). But i kept fighting for TCL until EoC and I can recall so many stories of how we were the best country clan at that time. Like following Jagex Cup we had 85 people against 100 Hell Armys and we won with like 50 people left, or the uncapped against WL that lasted for 12 hours with endless WL regroups by the fishing spot. We fought almost every clan there was, often with 300 opts, despite being a war we knew we wouldnt stand a chance, we would fight it anyways. OSRS became a reality and I decided to train my stats just to be able to comeback to clanning like old times. At 2013 I joined my first osrs country clan called Retaliation. But people wouldn't care to train their osrs accounts so that clan stuck with rs3 legacy fights. In 2014 Exotic took its place, this time at osrs clw and wild and I was a part of it until the end back in 2016. Then I realized I couldn't let my career go without an international clan and I decided to join Divine Forces, still in 2016, until the end of 2017. DF was a clan where I perfected my warring to all levels. Was clanless for 3 years, dedicated to the portuguese community (until nowadays). In June 2020 i decided to put aside a old rivalry and join WL, until last January. Clanning was my rs history and im still available to learn from it. Even met some people irl and had some beers. In 2010 I had a meeting at Aveiro and I was drinking with Goodwar15 (TCL leader at that time) and Shadow Mix (WL leader at that time). We had a TCL vs WL the following day, Goodwar attended but Shadow Mix didn't just to drink beers for another day! ❤️
  6. Gratz on that nice lvl! 😄
  7. Gl on rebuild, that really helps alot
  8. Nice first 50kc zulrah ahahaha Pretty lucky! Gratz 😄
  9. Waaaaay to much zoom. Gratz 😄
  10. Wish i had 95 hunter. Gratz eheh GL with 99
  11. One of my idols, just because i love agility. Put I wouldnt put all that effort into it like you did/do ahah Idk if this as been asked already, but whats your opinion on Sepulchre?
  12. I did really enjoy this one. Was easy
  13. That was really close! Gratz tempest
  14. Really nice achiev there! RIP 25 fps 😞
  15. Nice cake btw and gratz on that smithing eheh
  16. Excellent numbers and performance! Gratz Temp
  17. I can guess most of the quality work of the "community side" of tempest comes from our knowledge. Which btw its great cause it makes the staggering difference from other clans. Btw have you completed Venenatis collection log? (sorry if sum1 already asked you this, didn't read all the q&a)
  18. Frankventura


    Still didnt try out new content but gratz
  19. Eat them once a year but yea nice vegan snack
  20. Frankventura

    Minions pt.2

    Idk what they were thinking in the first place to get in there, like they landed there from outta nowhere
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