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Everything posted by Vanuckle

  1. This is an interesting development.
  2. SO mad i missed it boys looks like we owned.
  3. It would make things difficult lets just say that.
  4. Hello hello and welcome.
  5. Hey welcome, heard good things about CWC. ?
  6. I was never one for sk8 games but it does look quite good.
  7. embarrassing for those below.
  8. Twitter | Forums | Discord Tempest -vs- OC The grass was green, and the girls were pretty. We were on the way to paradise city (AKA Chaos Altar). Or at least so we thought... As we blissfully trained our prayer, we were savagely attacked by the team Organized Chaos (OC). With a small group of lads protecting, we were outnumbered, and outgunned. We knew that if we searched within teamspeak, though, we could muster the strength to battle these savages and win. With a quick mass in Tim's special spot, we soon ran up, hopping into their world. The Godsword steel flashed, the barrages boxed them in ice, and before long, we had cleared OC. --- Tempest the pussy eaters: --- Thanks for coming up Tempest, more ownage to follow.
  9. Current in my avatar if you wanna see how it looks. Animated for discord, too big for forums btw ?
  10. Vanuckle


    Gj, I've updated stickied topic.
  11. Nothing will help my tanking. Just FYI
  12. I agree with this analysis.
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