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Everything posted by infernodizn

  1. i can agree, the sports are kinda soft... but they're headed in the opposite direction thankfully.
  2. congratz, atleast you finished! I'd say most people cannot say they've gotten to 99 wc on rs!
  3. every second you spend watching hockey, you are being deprived of watching an actual entertaining sport. given you're canadian, i can understand your bias.
  4. is rot no longer a presence in the pvp scene? or did they just stop crashing everything at full force
  5. I'm sure you're just as deadly with a rope
  6. looks like yall had a great year. pretty cool vid, thanks for making it.
  7. my coworkers complaining in the background
  8. for the single people out there, do yall eat out the pot or put your food on a plate/bowl? Personally I use a plate or bowl.
  9. where do you live? my gosh
  10. once the inner liner becomes oily? so once a quarter.
  11. LOL is one of those games I never understood, never got into, never had any interest in. But apparently its one of the biggest games to ever release.
  12. most people that own many probably won't say they own many. people don't own many will say they own many. I'm also in the process of purchasing a new side arm. I'm actually reading up on your gun now. Thanks for the interesting post.
  13. crazy how much different p2p fighting has changed over the years. thanks for the vid, i enjoyed it.
  14. crazy how we've done the exact same amount of clues! haha
  15. infernodizn


    maybe a couple times a year. if that, dont even own a pair
  16. the addy alliance sounds like a wonderful charity group.
  17. I believe for people to grind out these types of events, have too much time on their hands. even if exp rates are 500x. to me it seems to be a waste of time.
  18. thanks for the vid. I enjoyed watching it.
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