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Everything posted by Hatebreeder

  1. @Elendirbut he earned it by being old enough to remember Carthage being wiped out
  2. Hatebreeder


    How do you feel about @Wee Manselling IPs?
  3. 1. not when you needed their help 2. in the words of "fighting mad" Jack Churchill; "if it wasn't for those fucking yanks, we could've kept the war going for a few more years"
  4. You owe your independence to the French. How does one live that down?
  5. ITT: 4nrs from vanquished nations seething about Britain, whilst speaking our language. P.S. you're welcome for the industrial revolution, lesser beings.
  6. Obviously yes. Anyone who wouldn't defend their country from invasion is a loathsome coward of the highest order.
  7. #2 I'd get my mum to distract @Sorawith the ball dragging scenario so I can set him on fire
  8. Cringe PoV. Why take the risk of getting into unarmed combat with multiple crackheads when you can simply slot them
  9. Bitch where was this effort last week
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