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Ever thought of crossing the street?


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Which was that Clan that you always thought as a alternative to join if  for any reason you stopped  being on the clan you where back in the day or just got kicked? Or which clan you always wanted to join but at the time of its existance you did not have the levels/reqs.



Me personally besides the route i took which i do NOT regret, i always had interest in Shadow Elves  and Damage Inc (no$$$richboiclan). 







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4 minutes ago, Brian said:

Well not really since I've basically been the leader 90% of the time I've been clanning. Alternative for me back in 2004 was RSD though.

deff dont see you in DF, CORR, VR, ROT LOL



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Always had interest in EH back in the days when I quit KTS but I went in CR instead. But I do not regret going in CR cause I had more friends in there than EH.


VnG Pur3 / Pur3 str0ng2 / I work high
= Vanguard Retired Leader, Tempest OldSchool =
= Ex Kissing the Shadows Council / Darkness Awaits CouncilCrimson Raiders Moderator - The Rising Elite member

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2 hours ago, Nanne30 said:

Which was that Clan that you always thought as a alternative to join if  for any reason you stopped  being on the clan you where back in the day or just got kicked? Or which clan you always wanted to join but at the time of its existence you did not have the levels/reqs.



Me personally besides the route i took which i do NOT regret, i always had interest in Shadow Elves  and Damage Inc (no$$$richboiclan). 





2004 - I would've been in Empire of Honour if they didn't disband. I stayed Clanless throughout the year

2005 - If I were 120 combat, I'd probably applied for Damage Inc. since their lowest member was KDragon5 (he was like 100s-110s) but clearly no way anyone would get accepted unless theyre atleast 120...So I was around 100s-110s so I applied for BlacKnights since they were about to fight Gladz in an Official War for #2 spot

2006 - I've been in a few clans here and there but I enjoyed my time in Dark Slayers playing my sister's account (she was DS's FA so I helped her out with being active while she was busy with her college stuff). At this time I was already in my late 110s (118 combat I think). I'd probably join RuneScape Dinasty, Damage Inc. or Eternal Honour but I joined BlacKnights in the end cause we're going to fight TMRD in an Official War


2009 - I finally decided to wrote in community intro in Damage Inc. but I never really applied them and then I believe they closed. I went on applied to Sorrow of KnightFlipFlops (CWA team) and then help leading my country clan Unity

2009-2012 & 2013-Present -  Pretty much retired from PvP scene and decided to help out my country community clan Unity to this day. Converting from Community+CWA clan to Community/Skilling/Casual/PvM clan


2023-present - instead of joining Chivalry Legion, I decided to make the right decision to Join Tempest. The rest is history.



OTP | Barrow Slayerz | RIP Peck | Beach Bros Unit





Walk Here Isndar (level-126) / 3 more options



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vr - probs would be lying if in the worst slumps i didnt think about being in another clan, would have never acted on it though


df - never thought of leaving for a rival but didn't enjoy my time there as much as i'd have hoped


every other clan never really was more than an impulsive thought here n there




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I feel i been in the clans i wanted thoughout the years and never left any clan to join another unless it closed


They just happened to have a good community and great events (TMC,EOS,TT) Eos i know but there s a lot of bias in the clan world, once you join a clan you usually find a good group


Doesnt cross my mind because i truly enjoy it here otherwise i would apply to rot

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