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Oh no, RS3 & OSRS Closed. What's Next?


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Assuming Jagex decided to close down their servers ending RS3 and OSRS permanently

What's your next journey in video gaming generally?


Will you find a new home in another MMORPG? 

or Starts soloing playing whatever games you find interesting?
or Starts playing other video games more often with your family and friends?

Or maybe wait someone create an RSPS that 1 to 1 copy pasted OSRS?

or maybe actually decided to retire/inactive in gaming and explore new or old hobbies?


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Edited by Isndar



OTP | Barrow Slayerz | RIP Peck | Beach Bros Unit





Walk Here Isndar (level-126) / 3 more options



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I only really play rs so I'd probably just start doing something else irl lol lately I've been doing some doordash in my spare time because I'm bored lol

Not sure if you heard. I was leader of The BlacKnights.



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What's your next journey in video gaming generally?


Will you find a new home in another MMORPG? Im trying Genshing Impact rn even tho not quite my type

or Starts soloing playing whatever games you find interesting? Im more of an outdoor person but yea i guess ill always play video games
or Starts playing other video games more often with your family and friends? Ye, friends got me playin Genshin rn

Or maybe wait someone create an RSPS that 1 to 1 copy pasted OSRS? I have pked on Rsps before so i might do that every few months

or maybe actually decided to retire/inactive in gaming and explore new or old hobbies? I will always try new things but wont retire from rs completely again

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Will you find a new home in another MMORPG?  Prob not, RS is the only one for me

or Starts soloing playing whatever games you find interesting? Yes, this
or Starts playing other video games more often with your family and friends? I play various games with a group of buds outside of RS

Or maybe wait someone create an RSPS that 1 to 1 copy pasted OSRS? NOOO

or maybe actually decided to retire/inactive in gaming and explore new or old hobbies? Many hobbies outside of gaming - the key to a good life


Legendz | The Titans | Tempest

[Templar Jan & Feb 2023]










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I'll continue to dabble in other multiplayer or single player games. If there's any MMOs that interest me I'll try them out that's really it








PDlMitch ~ Ex: Knights of Order ~ Collision ~ Syndicate ~ Exodus ~ Crimson Raiders ~ Downfall ~ Divine Forces








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If RS closed I wouldn't play another game. RS is kinda unique in the way it's a good game to AFK while you WFH. Would be hard for me to get into another game properly, don't really have the time.



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OSRS as a MMO just doesn't appeal to me. I've only really stayed around this long due to the pvp community, and the various clans I've been a part of. It's not even that I hate the game considering how much I enjoy leagues or no lifing it during clan comps. It's just that there's much, much better MMOs out there.


BDO would probably be my forever MMO since node wars fill in the void that pvp fights fill for me. 










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What's your next journey in video gaming generally? dunno


Will you find a new home in another MMORPG? possibly but probably not

or Starts soloing playing whatever games you find interesting? probably some of this
or Starts playing other video games more often with your family and friends? maybe some of this with friends, doubt i'd play with family

Or maybe wait someone create an RSPS that 1 to 1 copy pasted OSRS? no thanks lmfao, RSPS are all a scam at this point and can't trust the owners anymore

or maybe actually decided to retire/inactive in gaming and explore new or old hobbies? maybe



Realistically i'd probably stick around the same communities I was part of for OSRS and see what those people are up to and give those things a try while mixing in some solo gaming on various steam games etc, I imagine none of that would long term have the same commitments as OSRS so would probably overall end up spending less time online but who knows, always possible I could end up getting hooked on something else 








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id prolly start playing a lot more farm sim/cod than i already do. i juggle my time between cod/farm sim bc they take most effort and just have RS in background doing afk mining.


im sure i would also try to keep up with majority of people in tempest if the officials let the discord stay up.


@etheroxx on Twitter for GFX needs 🙂


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