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From Pures to Mains

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Runescape Name (Don't post if login name)

0n3 b100d (currently a maxed 30 def)



Preferred Name 

0n3 (One)



Current Clan




Previous Clan History

Fatality (2007 - 2024)




Who do you know in Tempest?

No one as of yet




How did you find/hear about Tempest?

Watching other main clans videos via SharkBrew discord and found you guys via them.



Are you interested in joining?

Yes. After 18 years of pure clanning, I want to give main clanning a try.



Brief Introduction

I've spent the last 18 years in the pure community in Fatality. I joined them in 2007 and have been with Fi until we closed earlier this year in March. I've held the ranks of Warlord and High Council throughout my tenure, but now am looking for a much chiller pace of things and not as much responsibility. I love F2P and I see Tempest certainly does that. In addition, I see there are a lot of oldschool main clanners here, so this seems to fit my personality than other main clans. I'm completely new to the main scene, so hopefully you guys can bring me up to speed. Looking forward to meeting everyone.

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Welcome. Don't take the pure banter too seriously


Legendz | The Titans | Tempest

[Templar Jan & Feb 2023]










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Welcome aboard!





Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward.

Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both.

For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honour.


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Hey, welcome and thanks for checking out Tempest. Stick around, I think you'll like it here a lot. 


IBM Thinkpad - IM Wojak - Cloud Rat

Previously The Stricken Cards - License 2 Kill - Infinite Lurers - Reign of Terror

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2 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Welcome. Was sorry to see Fi go after so long 

Yes, very unfortunate to close after all these years, but many good times were had.

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