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Krystal / Pequ Intro


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Hey Krystal. So glad to see your face again. You were someone I truly looked up to back in 2006-2008. I saw you as calm, eloquent, artistic, friendly, and a well-known name for the right reasons within the RS community. Everything I aspired to be back then!

Thanks for the introductions & if you need help getting started with your shop, I'm sure many in Tempest would be happy to contribute by buying your wares. ?














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22 hours ago, Venenatis said:

Welcome, I was thinking of trying FFXIV.

I really like it a lot. My husband & I migrated to WoW a few months after meeting on RS, and we played that for a few years until I made the decision to return to school. Up until that point, we co-led a guild and did a lot of raiding.  During a summer break from school, we tried out FFXIV and absolutely loved it. It took elements of both RS (being able to be a 'skiller' and level up lots of crafting stuff on your one character) and WoW (raiding, dungeons, huge variety of classes) and combined them together in just a beautiful game. Their fights are insane, challenging, and so much fun. At first I got the impression that FFXIV would be easier than WoW (not sure if you played it, so this comparison may go over your head) because the GCD is much slower, but once you level up, the fights pick up the pace and there are many ways it challenges you.  We haven't decided yet if we want to commit to raiding again, but we've been just messing around on different classes and leveling up for now. 

19 hours ago, Dickus said:

It’s infinitely easier to start from scratch in 2020 than it was when OSRS first released. If you’re curious enough to give it a shot, give me a shout and I’ll get you set up with some gear to train up. If not, fair play. Welcome to the community.

You guys are making it harder for me to say no haha.  I've been in contact with many friends from RS over the years, and one in particular has been poking me a lot to start again and reassuring me that it's much easier, but ahhh.. it's a struggle for me. Mostly because my husband isn't game to go back, and we really like to tackle the big games together. I was tempted to take over his account since the lucky sob didn't get hacked like I did (yes yes I know account sharing's bad, shame on me for having those thoughts lol >.>) but decided I'd rather start from scratch if I do it. Idk. I might poke at it again a little and see.  My understanding is that OSRS can be played on mobile, and even though it's the old version, they do still do updates to the game.  My biggest drawback is the graphics just kill me now that there are other games that are just so much more visually appealing to me. What can I say, I love the art of these new games lol.

19 hours ago, Mar said:

i recognize the name hello

I discovered some msn logs when cleaning out my computer a few months ago and found out that I guess you messaged me several times in 2012, and we had some chats about WoW and how you did really well at PvP. ?  Then we talked about IRL and I bitched about how I hated my job, and you told me to go back to school, which I eventually did and have a much better one now.  How are you these days? 

18 hours ago, Ashley said:

Hey Krystal, welcome to the community! One of my best friends from RS has actually gifted me a little painting of my RS character as well as a painting of one of my dogs before off someone from Etsy!

That's awesome! We've met people over the years who make their living off of art.  That always intimidated the hell out of me..   I had thought about pursuing an art major, but couldn't push myself to do it. So I figured I'd stick with my other strength that is medical science and just do art as a side gig.  I need to start doing some sketches of my current gaming characters so that I can get back into the groove. I'm so rusty lol. 

17 hours ago, Mona said:

Hey there Krystal, welcome to the boards.

You totally should get back into art and post some here I'm pretty sure people would be interested on it ? and we have a few people that plays overwatch here as well! 

I love me some Overwatch. When I played RS & WoW, I wasn't that drawn to PvP, and I never thought I'd be caught dead in a fps game, but Overwatch is way different from other fps games and is just more interesting and fun to me.  Depending on the mood, I heal or tank.  I usually like to support my team as a healer, but if I'm feeling aggressive af, I play tank since sometimes I just want to smash some faces in myself hahaha.

14 hours ago, Lavigne said:

Another XIV player, sick.

Heck yeah! Only recently resubbed after I graduated school, so we're working on getting geared up. Some friends that played have been helping my husband and I hit up the early raids in the expansion and getting us some gear. Those fights are SO hard to just walk in to and try to understand what's going on on your very first fight omg.  We just yoloed them all and didn't read strats since our friends who do high tier raiding were carrying us.  They purposefully didn't warn me about mechanics because they thought it'd be hilarious to see me run around like a chicken with their head cut off lmao. There was this one 24 man raid where I felt like a floor decoration rather than a healer because I was dying so much to mechanics that have no mercy on you if you don't know wtf is going on lmao.  My friends would be like "DONT WORRY KRYSTAL I'LL REZ YOU" and I would die instantly again oh my god.  So much fun though. We might consider fully getting into the raid scene again, maybe just casually like a night a week or something, haven't decided yet.  I've always been a healer main, no matter what game I play. So my goal is to play all the healers, but currently maining WHM.  AST looks super interesting to me, but I figure I'd start with WHM since it's more straightforward to learn.

14 hours ago, Dark Knighty said:

I think I vaguely remember you coming to some of those karaoke nights with DF, Veseble was the guy I was chatting to about HP7 prior to that mini war. I definitely remember your signature being quite good and having their own style compared to others at the time. Good seeing old names.

My style shifted a couple times throughout RS. I remember I started my pixel sig making because I just liked to draw and thought it'd be a fun thing to do. My first sigs are hilariously bad but evolved over time. I have a RS deviantart that has a history of my early sigs. Just go to deviantart.com/pequ  I unfortunately stopped updating my deviantart at some point because I started putting out sigs faster and faster and was too lazy to upload them.. definitely regret that since I lost my sigs when I moved states ugh.  I still have a few on my harddrive, but only a few. Le sigh.  I tried doing pixel sigs when I migrated to WoW, but people weren't that active on forums that utilized sigs like they were in RS.  I was super bummed about that. ? 

13 hours ago, 3lite said:

Hey Krystal.  One of my oldest friends still around.

Isn't it insane that I first met you when we were in high school?  16 years went by fast holy crap. So glad to see you around! 

3 hours ago, Vanuckle said:

Hey Krystal. So glad to see your face again. You were someone I truly looked up to back in 2006-2008. I saw you as calm, eloquent, artistic, friendly, and a well-known name for the right reasons within the RS community. Everything I aspired to be back then!

Thanks for the introductions & if you need help getting started with your shop, I'm sure many in Tempest would be happy to contribute by buying your wares. ?

Ahhh you're making me blush lol.  Brian reactivated my DI account, and I was browsing some of my old posts last night on their forums, and I cringed a little since I got a little TOO perky at times.  LOL.  I think it's because I had a really dark childhood, and I turned to the internet to brighten up my life.. so I did my best to be positive.  So I'm glad that I left a pretty good impression!  And I definitely will consider poking around here for clients if I happen to find myself doing art again for folks.  ? 


Overall, thanks everyone for the warm welcome! So awesome to see so many familiar names! Does OSRS have like.. afkable stuff for leveling? I know there's a mobile version, so that's why I ask. I'd have a much better chance at returning if I could afk leveling on my phone a little bit.  =X 



Brian.. or Brianna?! | The artist formerly known as Pequ 
The Gladiatorz [2004-06] | Eternal Honour [2006-08]RSC CD Mod [2006-08]

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You're adorable @Krystal we are definitely should be playing some time! ?? I also prefer to heal/tank when I'm playing with friends, when I'm playing competitive alone I queue as healer most of the time. I don't mind DPSing but I don't really like any of the heroes there ? overwatch is way different to the others fps and it's nice, too bad they killed the game slowly but it's still one of my favourite games to play with friends ? I don't like playing alone because I get too mad when people are bad... Meanwhile with friends I'm more controlled ☺️☺️













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14 minutes ago, Mona said:

You're adorable @Krystal we are definitely should be playing some time! ?? I also prefer to heal/tank when I'm playing with friends, when I'm playing competitive alone I queue as healer most of the time. I don't mind DPSing but I don't really like any of the heroes there ? overwatch is way different to the others fps and it's nice, too bad they killed the game slowly but it's still one of my favourite games to play with friends ? I don't like playing alone because I get too mad when people are bad... Meanwhile with friends I'm more controlled ☺️☺️

I play all of the Support heroes pretty much, not a big fan of Lucio since I can't really wall ride very well lmao.  But there's a few circumstances where I'll swap to him.  When I feel like getting more aggressive, I will swap to Tank.  I play most tanks, but my Tank main is DVa. She's my girlllll.  Gotta land those sick bombs, and honestly, I love her because I find great joy in harrassing the shit out of Widowmakers.  Widowmakers have haunted me for so long, and when I discovered that DVa is an excellent counter to contest the high ground, that's like.  I get great joy out of landing good bombs, which is harder to do than it looks. I used to be "meh" about DVas posting their bomb POTGs on Reddit, but after playing her.. it really isn't that easy since people can just hide, Rein can shield, Bap can Im field, etc. Gotta catch them offguard to pull them off.  Here's a vid of my first (and sadly I think only) quintuple kill! ?  




Brian.. or Brianna?! | The artist formerly known as Pequ 
The Gladiatorz [2004-06] | Eternal Honour [2006-08]RSC CD Mod [2006-08]

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14 minutes ago, Krystal said:

I play all of the Support heroes pretty much, not a big fan of Lucio since I can't really wall ride very well lmao.  But there's a few circumstances where I'll swap to him.  When I feel like getting more aggressive, I will swap to Tank.  I play most tanks, but my Tank main is DVa. She's my girlllll.  Gotta land those sick bombs, and honestly, I love her because I find great joy in harrassing the shit out of Widowmakers.  Widowmakers have haunted me for so long, and when I discovered that DVa is an excellent counter to contest the high ground, that's like.  I get great joy out of landing good bombs, which is harder to do than it looks. I used to be "meh" about DVas posting their bomb POTGs on Reddit, but after playing her.. it really isn't that easy since people can just hide, Rein can shield, Bap can Im field, etc. Gotta catch them offguard to pull them off.  Here's a vid of my first (and sadly I think only) quintuple kill! ?  


Ok you're the perfect support duo for me because Lucio is my babe and yeh, Dva is sick. I used to play a lot with her but nowadays I play with Sigma!  Dva is great to harass people because she has a great horizontal mobility and once you know how to use it, it's easy day. Being a good Dva can be a game change scenario! ANd  nice quint!! 













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6 hours ago, Krystal said:

Overall, thanks everyone for the warm welcome! So awesome to see so many familiar names! Does OSRS have like.. afkable stuff for leveling? I know there's a mobile version, so that's why I ask. I'd have a much better chance at returning if I could afk leveling on my phone a little bit.  =X 

There's this place called the NMZ, which is basically where you park your account and watch it train. It used to be ridiculously AFK, now they've changed it so you're checking in on your acc once every 5 mins or so. Lots of people go there on mobile. You would need to get a base account to get your started though, with some quests (and therefore skilling) reqs to make it worth your while.














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3 minutes ago, Vanuckle said:

There's this place called the NMZ, which is basically where you park your account and watch it train. It used to be ridiculously AFK, now they've changed it so you're checking in on your acc once every 5 mins or so. Lots of people go there on mobile. You would need to get a base account to get your started though, with some quests (and therefore skilling) reqs to make it worth your while.

Every 5 minutes or so isn't too bad. I do that with my current grindy phone games.  I might consider it, but idk yet. Time's already stretched thin with all the games my husband wants us to play lol.  OSRS has a subscription fee iirc, so I'd have to make it worth my time.

Edited by Krystal



Brian.. or Brianna?! | The artist formerly known as Pequ 
The Gladiatorz [2004-06] | Eternal Honour [2006-08]RSC CD Mod [2006-08]

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10 hours ago, Krystal said:

I discovered some msn logs when cleaning out my computer a few months ago and found out that I guess you messaged me several times in 2012, and we had some chats about WoW and how you did really well at PvP. ?  Then we talked about IRL and I bitched about how I hated my job, and you told me to go back to school, which I eventually did and have a much better one now.  How are you these days? 

Man i completely forgot we talked, it's been so long now. I'm glad going to school worked out for you an got a better job. I'm studying at uni myself at the moment and hanging round these forums on a massive nostalgia trip 


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26 minutes ago, Mar said:

Man i completely forgot we talked, it's been so long now. I'm glad going to school worked out for you an got a better job. I'm studying at uni myself at the moment and hanging round these forums on a massive nostalgia trip 

Glad to hear you're in uni now! And I totally know what you mean about the nostalgia trip.  It's been a blast reconnecting with everyone and thinking back on those crazy times back then. 



Brian.. or Brianna?! | The artist formerly known as Pequ 
The Gladiatorz [2004-06] | Eternal Honour [2006-08]RSC CD Mod [2006-08]

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1 hour ago, MILAD said:

I joined EH and you left. We never really talked, I think. My RSN was Mage Old Day. I remember you though. Welcome!

I remember that name! Yeah, I ended up leaving because I was burned out from doing hours and hours of PKRIs.  Was nothing wrong with EH itself; they were like family. ?



Brian.. or Brianna?! | The artist formerly known as Pequ 
The Gladiatorz [2004-06] | Eternal Honour [2006-08]RSC CD Mod [2006-08]

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