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Snowwi Intro


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Current Clan

Previous Clan History
Never joined a clan before.


Who do you know in Tempest?
I was walking around World 420 GE and saw a bunch of characters dressed the same. Looked very cool so decided to hang in CC.

Are you interested in joining?
No, I just want to hang around the community and introduce myself.

Brief Introduction
Hi I'm Zoey. I'm a 25 year old male currently transitioning to female. It's been a difficult process but I've been extremely thankful to receive all the love and support from my family and friends. Outside of my transitioning, I also work in finance where I assist in the operations of large companies like Apple. It's a pretty cool job but can be extremely stressful at time. I think this is because they don't hire enough people which sucks but alas I'm grateful to have a job especially with the current environment we live in. Outside of work, I enjoy swimming, drinking fruity drinks and have recently picked up cooking as my new quarantine skill. I also recently moved in with my boyfriend which is pretty cool. As for Runescape, I quit approximately five years back but with the current covid-19 situation, I decided to give it another chance and it's been really fun so far. Overall, I'm very excited to meet everyone and looking forward to getting to know you all.

Edited by zoey


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