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God 0f Warz

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Runescape Name

God 0f Warz
Preferred Name 

Pritch or Matt 
Current Clan

Previous Clan History

BDJ - Black Dragon Jr  - 2004

BD - black dragons  2004/close

TBE - the british elites only a few months

Df fa - quit rs

Dynasty - 2020 -  inactive in my time zone

Who do you know in Tempest?

Not sure as I'm just getting back into rs after a very long break maybe some old bd buddies ? 
Are you interested in joining?

Could be ?

Brief Introduction

Where to start so my name is Matt I'm now 30 married with 4 kids I work as quality control making new holland tractors 

love gaming and pretty much anything to do with technology.

oh and hello everyone ?


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