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Runescape Name (Don't post if login name)

Preferred Name 

Current Clan
N/A and I haven't played RS since 2011 but I would consider myself retired VR

Previous Clan History
'THE' Futures - Back in 05 I discovered the clan world by stumbling upon a F2p mass in Edgeville when I was around lv100 combat. I started looking into clanning at this point and 'THE' Futures appeared to be the most promising clan to join.

'THE' - I graduated to 'THE' and I thought the community was cool and a good introduction into the clan world. Their community was massive and I remember really liking being part of a huge clan community and having ally clans like the original Gladz, TMRD, and Jagz alliance. I wasn't in the clan very long, but I remember prepping for a week and pulling 300-399 opts and on our first world hop walking into a 3x3 box of the Corruption clan at members gate who rushed and cleared us in about 15 minutes. I was really frustrated and disappointed that the trip was ended so quickly after a week prep and not even fighting back. I didn't really get to know anyone being so new to clanning, but I realized that I wanted more of a pking clan than the community based clan THE was. 

Corruption - I ended up meeting Stormy 9 from Cor and I found out Cor is what I had wanted in a clan. I felt like I had graduated with more experience to join an active pking clan. I joined CoR when they were ranked like #6-#8 and it was great being apart of the community and activity of F2P clanning. When I joined, I was at the peak of my activity and was attending every event start-finish and leveling up quickly in game as well. There were a lot of great officials in COR and some that really stood out at the time were Andy4309, Chopa234, Radicalsurfu, Dragon Boss6 and others. As CoR started to rise among the clan world I wanted to contribute more and was given a chance to lead when opportunities arose. Eventually I was promoted to Trial Warlord and then Warlord and led the clan in game for a long period of time. I think being such an active member and, "homegrown" a lot of members respected me and wanted to see me succeed. I remember being pulled into a private room before a big fight vs DF in the peak of our rivalries by Demonchild (CoR leader at the time) and him telling me that he wanted me to take the 1st fall in and be the main warlord throughout the PKRI. After this point I made a conscious effort to try and be the main fall in leader for our fights and I helped contribute to CoR breaking into the top #3 and identified a lot of great leaders to follow me such as Magicarrow and Gwarzo. I have a lot of great memories of CoR vs DF and those were some of the most memorable fights of my career. Unforantely in time there was a lot of division among our leadership group and I was coming to a point where I was close to retiring. My best friend during this time was Lukas1400 and he was extremely frustrated with CoR and the leadership team and wanted to create his own clan and asked for my help doing so. As I saw my time playing the game coming to an end I decided to change things up and give a shot at creating a clan.
Syndicate - This was a clan that I created along with Lukas1400, Hios, Kronca, Mithwiz, Stephen#'s, and others. It was a cool mix of members and our leadership team had a solid community foundation and I think the day after opening were already being ranked in the top #6-#8 purely based on the names on our memberlist. I think our first fight was vs EH who were able to end us relatively easily. It was clear that we did not have enough higher tear members to break into the top #5 as quickly as we anticipated. Although we could have kept going, none of the leadership team were willing to spend the time needed into building the clan up into a contender and we closed the clan.
Exodus - Myself among some of the other close Syndicate leadership joined Exodus in hopes of taking a lot of Syndicate with us and building them up. However, quickly after joining I realized I missed fighting in the #1-#3 ranks and the smaller 200 opt fights were not appealing to me anymore.

Violent Resolution - VR was ranked around #4- #5 at the time and they seemed like a good opportunity to join and fulfil my desire of raising a clan to the #1 rank. After fighting against VR for so many years I had already known practically all of the leadership team and majority of the members. VR was always a clan that I personally wished never would get #1 when I was fighting against them because of how disruptive I knew they could be if they had dominate power. As I knew I would retire soon, VR seemed like the most fun clan to join. VR was extremely active and had a very close community that welcomed me right away. As we got deeper into top fights I started to help lead fall ins and emerged as a main fall in leader in VR. VR was getting recognized for creating their own rules which was fun and not appreciated unless you are inside the clan. With so many dedicated and skilled members, VR quickly rose to the top #3 and eventually took the #1 rank. At one point VR had what I consider to be the best fall in line up in the history of RS with Cera S6, Kaochin, Lukas, Arma150, Radicalsurfu, Empire Mind, and myself among many others and completely dominating every other clan to the point of clans not wanting to fight us. My best memory of RS was a fight where VR had gone fightless for several weeks and walked out with about 300 opts to get rushed by every other clan (my memories were DF, CoR, EOS, ROT, more) for a massive cluster fight which VR ended up winning. When VR was really rolling I also reconnected with a lot of old friends from multiple other clans. After holding clear #1 for quiet some time I felt like I accomplished all that I wanted to do and ended up retiring. 


Who do you know in Tempest?
True 2k8, Ghjjf, La Hire, Buzz, Null, Victor, Vanzant ( I am sure a lot more but I didn't list anyone who didn't have a RSN on the memberlist). - Fought with/against them throughout the years.

Are you interested in joining?

Brief Introduction

Just dropping in to say hi to the clan world. I saw some many old names posting on Tempest forums and I wanted to help bring back some memories as well. Hope everyone is doing well and the clan world is active!

Corruption High Council -> Syndicate Leader -> Exodus Warlord -> Violent Resolution Warlord

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You ever play on any private servers? Think I was in some punk pure clan on a private server post-EOC, pre-OSRS and someone there had your name 



The Titans Officer

Ronin PK Leader

Tempy Legend

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Welcome. I remember you when we were in Syndicate together, which was pretty fun for the short time it was open.








PDlMitch ~ Ex: Knights of Order ~ Collision ~ Syndicate ~ Exodus ~ Crimson Raiders ~ Downfall ~ Divine Forces








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32 minutes ago, Brian said:

Remember the name well. Welcome.

Was really happy to see that you are still around and have been for years! Hope all is well!

30 minutes ago, Dickus said:

You ever play on any private servers? Think I was in some punk pure clan on a private server post-EOC, pre-OSRS and someone there had your name 

No I don't. I was contacted a while ago from multiple people saying a random was impersonating me. I think that is probably the same person that you are talking about. It was kind of weird though considering they were not doing anything significant in the clan world and just using my name. I would be curious to know who it is lol 

Corruption High Council -> Syndicate Leader -> Exodus Warlord -> Violent Resolution Warlord

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