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Runescape Name
Xero Future

Preferred Name 

Discord ID

Current Clan

Previous Clan History

The BlacKnights (BK) - My first clan (Hi Vanzant) I enjoyed the members and the community, however the PK'ing experience was not what I was looking for.  I wanted something more serious and chose to leave after doing my homework on the clan world.

Sacred Templars (ST) - I set my sights on ST and made myself a Future Templars application.  I was accepted as a Future Templar and then either the next day, or sometime that week, Flumm closed ST.  My selection appeared to have backfired, back to square one.  

Eternal Honour (EH) - After the abrupt closure of ST, I became swept up in the genesis of EH.  EH is the first place I truly felt like I had a home in the clan world.  I was a part of this clan for years, rising to the rank of Commander (PK Leader).  I grew angry and frustrated at one point and left, looking for a better PK'ing experience.  

Corruption (Cor) - I wanted a better PK'ing experience when I left EH, I found it, but ultimately felt like I didn't fit in the way I did with EH and found myself wanting to go back home.  My tenure in Cor was short lived.  

Eternal Honour (EH) - The return home.  I was happy to return back to EH, however my time playing RuneScape began to fade with my interest in the game fading.  I ended up retiring and leaving RuneScape behind, fully immersing myself in WoW for many years thereafter.  

Are you interested in joining?
I would consider it.  My account doesn't currently meet the level requirements and I will gradually get there, but I'm in no hurry.  I've been enjoying playing the game differently than I had previously.  

Brief Introduction
Hey there.  I'm Xero.  I'm an old school clan community player who returned back to OSRS when Mobile was launched (the convenience lured me in) only to find out my account(s) were all migrated to RS3 and I had to start from scratch.  Being less than enthused about this development, I tried to look at it in a positive light.  This gave me an opportunity to look at the game differently compared to how I had 15 years ago.  I've been enjoying it immensely and the nostalgia has been strong in so many respects.  The attraction of the game then is the same now and I can see myself continuing to play.  That being said, 10-15 years is a long time and responsibilities and life changes.  I don't play like I used to and I have different priorities in life.  But it's been wonderful to see so many old names, familiar names lately - I suppose that's been one positive of COVID-19 and "quarantine".  So, that being said.... hi ?

Edited by Xero
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