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Whats the worst physical pain you've experienced?


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Personally, I've fractured my wrist twice and they were both pretty painful. I've thankfully never had anything really bad. I have a hernia and sometimes the acid reflux can be a horrible feeling but women who gave birth I'm sure would tell me to stfu about it. I had an endoscopy done and that was one of the worst experiences physically too for the few minutes it lasted.


Anyone here had any near death experience (I'm not talking about that time you tanked off with no food left) or painful injuries during life?

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I've never had any gruesome injuries thankfully, so my experiences may be comparatively tame


I had a recurring knee problem where it felt like it popped out or something, but I could fix it by straightening my leg and there'd be an audible 'click' and my knee would jump a bit as it popped back into place. Was really weird because it was very painful straightening out my leg, but the actual act of popping it back into place was not painful at all (although mentally it was quite intimidating with the popping sound and my knee clicking back into place all at once)


Some of the other replies here made me remember my most recent ankle injury. Had a pretty severe medial ankle sprain playing soccer, nothing too bad the night of, but I woke up the next morning and basically couldn't function until I took a bunch of advil. Couldn't walk properly for weeks, haven't played a game of soccer since


Some of the physio I had on my shoulder / upper chest was pretty painful. Nothing too excruciating but trying to stay relaxed and just lie there while feeling that pain made it way worse lmao


edit: worst injuries I've seen are ACL tears, seen two of my friends go down with them while playing soccer / futsal

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stepped on an oyster shell as a kid walking around barefoot in the water and sliced my foot open and had to get stitches, that one for sure wasn't fun

also stepped on nails more than once but i think the shell was worse 

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Worst pain I've experienced was 12 years ago when I stepped off of a kerb and to this day I don't know exactly what I did but I'm pretty sure I must have rolled my ankle somehow. Couldn't walk properly for 6 weeks, never bothered getting it looked at cos I'm hard (see: retarded) so I either broke the fucking thing or tore something important. Pain made me feel like I was going to throw up, truly awful.


2nd Worst I was completely arseholed on half a crate of stella, stepped off a kerb (again lmao) fell straight the fuck backwards and broke my fall with my hand which bent all the way back, couldn't move my wrist for a couple days.


Lastly my story of how I almost died when I was 10, was on holiday in Morocco visiting family. We'd gone to the beach and I went swimming in the sea, got pulled too far out and almost drowned, lifeguard (or some random guy, not sure) saw me starting to go under and saved my life. Obviously I pretended to be confused as to why he thought I was in trouble to save face.

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Wee Man#0028 | @ZybezWeeMan | Wee Man

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1 minute ago, Wee Man said:

Worst pain I've experienced was 12 years ago when I stepped off of a kerb and to this day I don't know exactly what I did but I'm pretty sure I must have rolled my ankle somehow. Couldn't walk properly for 6 weeks, never bothered getting it looked at cos I'm hard (see: retarded) so I either broke the fucking thing or tore something important. Pain made me feel like I was going to throw up, truly awful.


2nd Worst I was completely arseholed on half a crate of stella, stepped off a kerb (again lmao) fell straight the fuck backwards and broke my fall with my hand which bent all the way back, couldn't move my wrist for a couple days.


Lastly my story of how I almost died when I was 10, was on holiday in Morocco visiting family. We'd gone to the beach and I went swimming in the sea, got pulled too far out and almost drowned, lifeguard (or some random guy, not sure) saw me starting to go under and saved my life. Obviously I pretended to be confused as to why he thought I was in trouble to save face.

oh yeah that last thing has kinda happened to me twice

the first time we were at the pool and i decided to go to the grown ups pool and go down a waterslide which for whatever reason nobody stopped me and i almost drowned and a lifeguard saved me

the second time we were at a hotel and i decided to jump into the pool without realizing i was going into the very deep end and needed someone to save me

both times were before i learned to swim because i was a little kid and for whatever reason my parents waited a while to teach me lol


also i almost died a 3rd time because i was walking down the street and some guy was chopping a tree down in his front yard, it was falling and he was trying to stop it and yelling at me to move, didnt quite grasp what was happening but moved at the last second, got brushed by some of the branches and scraped up but not smushed by a tree so thats something


near loss of life aside i think the pain from the aforementioned oyster shells was prob the worst tho in the sense of just pure physical pain, while the others were far more terrifying

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Back at the end of 2017, 2 days after my 28th birthday.

I had a severe complication with my health condition. I was woken up around 1am with what felt like someone stabbing my lower abdomen with a sharp, hot, searing knife, twisting it around and stabbing me over and over. Ended up having to get taken to the hospital and found out I had a microscopic hole in my lower intestines, causing anything to leak out to give me the worst internal pains I never thought possible.

I spent 5 days in the hospital, including through New Years, constantly doped up on morphine and steroids. I was supposed to get a surgery done but my specialist wanted to push pills on me instead.... I still deal with the issue, but on a much minor scale now that I have it under control as best as I can. I was told if I let it go any further I could have possibly died from the damage already caused on my body.

Edited by Mitch
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Probably when I was in middle school playing footie with the boys;


Someone shot the ball really hard and it hit me right in the pressure point under my chest, couldn't breathe for like 5 whole minutes and just passed out for like another hour after that. I actually thought I died lmfao, was surprised to see I live again

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tore my acl, mcl and meniscus as well as fractured/shattered my knee in 9 places playing football (American) my JR year of high school. I blacked out when it happened but the guy who hit me said it sounded like someone had shot a 9mm inside my knee. Woke up and my knee was the size of a watermelon(about 20 mins later)

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broken arm and orbital fracture/concussion in a car accident 😕 woke up in the hospital was poopy



also broke my arm playing tag when i was little but wasnt too bad

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I shattered my wrist in four places while playing hockey. Knew I'd broke it immediately but finished the game like an absolute 10/10 idiot and made it worse. The dr's couldn't set it back in place properly so I'm supposed to get surgery on it but still haven't lol. Meant to develop arthritis later on in life because of it (or so I'm told) but been working to strengthen it with a therapist and it's been feeling good for the past few years.


Also had a slight tear in my MCL after taking a knee-on-knee hit in hockey which was really painful in the moment but I actually felt better as the days went on with proper stretching and strengthening. Didn't need surgery to repair it and only took 8-10 weeks before I was back to full strength and range of motion without pain.

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