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Wee Man

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Throughout the clan world's entire existence there has always been rivalries with the opposing clans. This has been known to escalate into some variation of drama which has taken many forms over the years, whether that's shit talking, crashing each other, DDoSing or sometimes escalating all the way to people getting doxed or losing their jobs or school positions. You can point fingers, pass the blame or pretend to be above it all but there's no doubt that almost every clan has been down this path before. Sometimes the drama and beef can be enjoyable, there's nothing like taking a hard fought victory from someone who sees you as beneath them and if I'm honest this is where I find the most fun to be. There's really nothing quite like it on the game. However, everybody draws a line somewhere. Me personally? I think crashing and spying fall into a grey area in between good and bad behaviour, I'd even go as far to say crashing is necessary in some situations. Others would consider that behaviour kind of grimy but there's no denying that there isn't any actual harm done to people.


Do you find drama and beef enjoyable to some extent or would you prefer everything to be nice and respectful?


Where do you draw the line? Is talking shit and flaming ok?


How do you think this effects how PvP is viewed amongst normal players?


What's been your favourite drama, beef or rivalry of the years? Any stories to tell?


What's the dumbest shit you've seen another clan or individual do to someone else?


Was anyone else surprised at how well my AMA went lmfao?








Wee Man#0028 | @ZybezWeeMan | Wee Man

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Do you find drama and beef enjoyable to some extent or would you prefer everything to be nice and respectful?


keyboard warriors is ok dislike is crash war esq stuff and when it becomes out of game botnet shit. not only does that kill competitiveness it also kills that game. I think the fun we had was the "war" with envy vs bk we kept it strictly in game lulz style which was fun




Where do you draw the line? Is talking shit and flaming ok?


ehh its natural imo, when irl stuff gets brought in it gets too far


also when like EVERY fight gets crashed it gets annoying, that's probbaly what i disliked the most around the time I was in solace, it was all crash them crash us crash them again thats it. How the fuck is that fun?


How do you think this effects how PvP is viewed amongst normal players?


according to reddit fuck pvp LOL they hate it



What's been your favourite drama, beef or rivalry of the years? Any stories to tell?



envy v bk




What's the dumbest shit you've seen another clan or individual do to someone else?







Was anyone else surprised at how well my AMA went lmfao?



Edited by Killaz
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Do you find drama and beef enjoyable to some extent or would you prefer everything to be nice and respectful?

Banter/trash talk and heated rivalries are fine, but everything should remain in the game.


Where do you draw the line? Is talking shit and flaming ok?

When it gets brought out of the game in any way, inc DDoSing.


How do you think this effects how PvP is viewed amongst normal players?

Probably not in the best light. I mean I would be surprised if an outsiders impression of the scene was anything other than crashing and DDoSing and them thinking ROT are dominant rather than the fact their behaviour is just borderline obnoxious, along with every other clan that crashes (so not even exclusive to ROT, but also SV and all those shit stinky pure clans).


What's been your favourite drama, beef or rivalry of the years? Any stories to tell?

VR/TT and DI+ROT vs VR/DF. We never swapped sides in the latter, we just decided if we were gonna be R1 F2P we'd have to fight ROT for it. Out of an initial alliance of DF, VR, EOS and DI (can't count af when it was mostly made it up of VR/DF at the time) - the only two left capable of pulling enough to a Sunday fight were DI and AF; and AF weren't involved in F2P like they are now; DF/VR crashed us as you'd expect and we had a team to clear rule, and then AF crashed us the next day in P2P and the rest was history. We didn't start anything but it was fun reducing VR and DF to a smouldering wreck for many months to come and ROT handled AF to our lack of P2P exp, we could never do much vs AF in the one timezone it was even anywhere near fun going near them - their own.


What's the dumbest shit you've seen another clan or individual do to someone else?



Was anyone else surprised at how well my AMA went lmfao?



Edited by Lavigne






Grand Miracle Wizard of the Far-Right Sea Templar's Party | Bringing racism back into RS clanning since 2023.



RSN: South Tyrol

Leader of REIGN community since 2004 - Undisputably the best gaming community in history.

Rank 3 in the UK for Riichi Mahjong (UKMA ELO)

An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games.



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Do you find drama and beef enjoyable to some extent or would you prefer everything to be nice and respectful?

As long as everything stays in game(no doxing, ddosing etc etc), i do enjoy beef between clans. Crash wars would be okay for me if there was no 1iteming.

Where do you draw the line? Is talking shit and flaming ok?

^, Flaming and talking shit is fine if u dont dox, bring up families etc

How do you think this effects how PvP is viewed amongst normal players?

fuckers hate us

What's been your favourite drama, beef or rivalry of the years? Any stories to tell?

fools vs ng and tt vs df

What's the dumbest shit you've seen another clan or individual do to someone else?

leaking irl info

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Do you find drama and beef enjoyable to some extent or would you prefer everything to be nice and respectful?

Enjoyable to some extent especially from the outside. But can't help but feel like it lessens the entertainment value when whatever they're beefing over is genuinely retarded. There are good rivalries and bad rivalries and both are fun to watch but if things get too far over something really stupid, I feel like it just makes everyone who went along with it look kind of dumb. I do think out of game shit etc obviously isn't something people should be doing but i'm more in agreement with you that crashing/spying are fine. With spying I think dependent on the situation the person may be a pretty big rat for doing so, but I don't necessarily think worse of the clan for having that person spy. For crashing I do think it's stupid that everyone just wants to ruin everyone's fights because clan a doesn't like clan b because clans c and d don't get along or whatever, but if it's more manageable and on a smaller scale with ACing and all that, smaller beef I feel like can certainly be good and ACing can be some form of actions for other clans I guess.

Where do you draw the line? Is talking shit and flaming ok?

Yeah talking shit and flaming are ok as long as your brain can process that you shouldn't say certain things. Aka getting super racist, homophobic, whatever, flaming people's serious irl situations (depending on what it is) and most importantly (imo) flaming dead people is really fucked and if you do that you need to grow the fuck up. I think once it gets into stuff that actually effects peoples' IRL, DDoSing to an extent, doxing for sure, and irl harassment like contacting family/friends/work/whatever or trying to hack into irl shit, that's certainly too far. I think it was more acceptable when everyone was younger, a lot of people either did it, somehow assisted it, or turned a blind eye to it (usually DDoSing, crossing certain lines with flaming or maybe "lighter" doxing) but we're not kids anymore and people should probably grow up. The % of people who are new to pvp or even younger in the pvp scene is probably very minuscule and they need a good example as well if this garbage is to ever stop.

How do you think this effects how PvP is viewed amongst normal players?

I think most of the community isn't insanely aware of most of what goes on outside RoT, because they've always been the very public bad guy by their own intention, they like that and play that part well, so more power to them. They even seem to thrive off of it to a degree. That being said, I think that also makes a lot of people not like the PvP community even more because of some of the things they've done, not even just Jed related stuff. If people were more familiar with the community, I don't think it'd change a *ton* because a lot of clans have a lot of toxic/scummy individuals and behaviors. It'd pretty much be like a 2/10 chance of them seeing a clan that knows how to act like their members actually evolved and aren't still primates. People need to understand that competition is pretty necessary in the PvP community in not just this but all games, but also the people taking part in said competition need to control themselves better.

What's been your favourite drama, beef or rivalry of the years? Any stories to tell?

I don't have very much rs history so I guess i'll just say from personal experience I was on a private server in a clan led by a guy at least a few people here know (true knows him) and we were beefing with a fake rot led by some kid who claimed to be rot but wasn't. Forget what they did but some DDoSing happened on both sides and we ended up leaking their member boards and I think official boards and shit and trashing them at pretty much every fight, they closed not long after which was unfortunate since we didn't get to fight them anymore but we ended up finding new competition.


The only RS rivalries i've really been around for are the nonsense crash war that's been going on for the past few years and I wouldn't say that's my favorite with how many people it's made leave the community, turned off from getting involved in PvP, and all the scummy shit that's gone on.

What's the dumbest shit you've seen another clan or individual do to someone else?

Didn't some VR kid or something have his mom get fired because he scammed someone in RoT? Could be remembering this incorrectly. Pretty sure i've heard of "swatting" not in full force but cops and shit showing up to some peoples' houses over rev/rot beef, but I could be wrong. Assuming anyone's actually been genuinely swatted, definitely that because it's worse than losing a job as it can get you or loved ones killed. (Or I guess not you, but the person it's happening to.)

Was anyone else surprised at how well my AMA went lmfao?

Not really, you always have good discussion topics on the forums, you have been in some interesting clans and I think having been Zybez staff alone would've warranted it just due to all the experience of that over the years and all you must've seen/put up with/been a part of. It was a good read, hope I didn't annoy you too much. 

Edited by Adam_
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Do you find drama and beef enjoyable to some extent or would you prefer everything to be nice and respectful?

Beef is fun providing everything stays ingame. It's boring when everyone is nice and on good terms as it just feels like having fights for the sake of it rather than because you wanna smash the opposite clan because you dislike them.


Where do you draw the line? Is talking shit and flaming ok?

Yeah talking shit and flaming is fair game as long as it's reasonable ie not flaming about dead relatives or irl stuff for example. I draw the line at out of game stuff like ddosing and doxing.


How do you think this effects how PvP is viewed amongst normal players?

They prob thinks it confirms what they already believe about PvP in that it's toxic and not worth the time. Thing is you can have beef that doesn't get out of hand or too toxic and everything is kept ingame and this is healthy for the scene imo. DI vs DF is a good example of this. Normal players looking in from the outside at the clan scene won't ever understand or experience it though,


What's been your favourite drama, beef or rivalry of the years? Any stories to tell?

Brut vs RoT. Nothing specific but crashing RoT was fun as fuck and they were never able to achieve anything significant in F2P due to us stopping their fights every couple of mins. As usual RoT took it out of game but that didn't stop us and they eventually approached Brut for a truce before closing a few months later.


What's the dumbest shit you've seen another clan or individual do to someone else?

Ddosing and doxing over Runescape easily.










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Do you find drama and beef enjoyable to some extent or would you prefer everything to be nice and respectful?

It depends on whether all the hateful drama is directed at... attacking other clan's performance is ok, attacks on a personal level, based on race, gender, religion and stuff are not only disrespectful but criminal and very autistic coming from people over 20s~


Where do you draw the line? Is talking shit and flaming ok?

As I said if this flaming gets personal to the point of an emotional, sexual or even physical abuse then definitely is not just a virtual game anymore


How do you think this effects how PvP is viewed amongst normal players?

I have no clue. It seems most of them dont really know or care about what happens in the scenario which is fine


What's been your favourite drama, beef or rivalry of the years? Any stories to tell?

COR x DF very thiccc

WL x TCL probably the best ever

WL x HA crash war was a pain in the bunda since they were not going into the wilderness not giving us a chance to payback but they wouldnt let us in peace too


What's the dumbest shit you've seen another clan or individual do to someone else?

Probably some well known clan threatening to doxx a portuguese based clan like yoooo nobody in this country speaks foreigner nor care lmaooooo


Was anyone else surprised at how well my AMA went lmfao?

Well deserved champ ^^

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Do you find drama and beef enjoyable to some extent or would you prefer everything to be nice and respectful?

Nah you need some beef and drama 


Where do you draw the line? Is talking shit and flaming ok?

taking shit out of game is ridiculous and some of the irl flames over the years have gone too far imo


How do you think this effects how PvP is viewed amongst normal players?

People think were all spastics instead of it being a vocal minority


What's been your favourite drama, beef or rivalry of the years? Any stories to tell?

Sol vs Eos was the funniest and most enjoyable beef I was a part of.


What's the dumbest shit you've seen another clan or individual do to someone else?

doxing is ridiculous


Was anyone else surprised at how well my AMA went lmfao?

nah you're a gem mate


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Do you find drama and beef enjoyable to some extent or would you prefer everything to be nice and respectful?

Drama makes things interesting. There's a reason why it's the most popular genre of Television & Movies.


Where do you draw the line? Is talking shit and flaming ok?

As long as said flames are related to RS, I think all is fair. Some very light IRL flaming is sometimes fine (like calling someone a "dutch retard" etc). But it can cross the line pretty easily so it's a slippery slope.


How do you think this effects how PvP is viewed amongst normal players?

In my experience, the sort of toxicity you see in the clan/PvP scene is just an amplified version that you see in the regular game. The ddosing/doxing is pretty quite insane to normal players, but the general toxicity is probably relatable (especially those in the larger PvM/Completionist clans).


What's been your favourite drama, beef or rivalry of the years? Any stories to tell?

Can't say I have a favorite. Most of them have been pretty memorable in their own right.


What's the dumbest shit you've seen another clan or individual do to someone else?

Probably when I heard about what RoT did to Zybez Jim. That guy was a total freak but to go so far to try to ruin someone's life over spying, you could tell Mattbrazil was beyond offended and fuming. I've never seen something as degenerative and pathetic as that. Although I remember RoT doing the same thing to Reddevil#s in 2009. So I guess it's just a Mattbrazil thing. What a cringe loser.

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Do you find drama and beef enjoyable to some extent or would you prefer everything to be nice and respectful?

Love beefin


Where do you draw the line? Is talking shit and flaming ok?

draw the line at talking about dead relatives/Death threats/Rape threats


How do you think this effects how PvP is viewed amongst normal players?

negatively but who gives a fuck


What's been your favourite drama, beef or rivalry of the years? Any stories to tell?

Too small and involving irrelevant parties to mention.




What's the dumbest shit you've seen another clan or individual do to someone else?

Put em on a youtube vid. 


Was anyone else surprised at how well my AMA went lmfao?

Wheres my bread bitch

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Do you find drama and beef enjoyable to some extent or would you prefer everything to be nice and respectful?


I think that drama is often used to spice things up because the activity itself had become stale. It is not an ideal scenario, but, if well managed and on a reasonable level, it is a viable choice to keep things interesting. Beef is ok as long as the people involved still care about having fun and are not just trying to prove something.


Where do you draw the line? Is talking shit and flaming ok?


In game stuff only. I don't mind shit talking, I love the memes. Ddosing and doxing is vile and unacceptable.  


How do you think this effects how PvP is viewed amongst normal players?


Confirms their suspicion that, just like any other competitive game, it is toxic and sometimes, through extreme levels of degradation, gets unnecessarily nasty.


What's been your favourite drama, beef or rivalry of the years? Any stories to tell?


I liked battling DI. I think both of the clans had a healthy level of hatred towards each other. 


What's the dumbest shit you've seen another clan or individual do to someone else?


Return for days, set up bots, dox, ddos, that kind of stuff.


Was anyone else surprised at how well my AMA went lmfao

Edited by Kestas
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Do you find drama and beef enjoyable to some extent or would you prefer everything to be nice and respectful?


I'm good in both situations. In general it depends how the situation would affect the clan in in.


Where do you draw the line? Is talking shit and flaming ok?

Ratting, hacking accounts or leaking personal information is to far in my books. I've personally had members affected by this.



How do you think this effects how PvP is viewed amongst normal players?


I know some players who won't join the clan world due to this. Hurts longevity I feel



What's been your favourite drama, beef or rivalry of the years? Any stories to tell?


Maybe another time but always enjoyed fighting gladz,  the,  tmrd,  CL, rr, envy etc lots of good ones.



tmrd official wars were fun 



What's the dumbest shit you've seen another clan or individual do to someone else?


Way too many but the geese situation was pretty bad. 


Was anyone else surprised at how well my AMA went lmfao?



We heard you were down on your luck so we did it to cheer you up 


Not sure if you heard. I was leader of The BlacKnights.



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Do you find drama and beef enjoyable to some extent or would you prefer everything to be nice and respectful?
I don't find it enjoyable but I think drama/beef is required in some shape or form to keep things exciting.

Winning a fight against a rival clan that has some beef just feels so much better than winning against a clan you're on OK terms with.

Where do you draw the line? Is talking shit and flaming ok?

I think it depends on how personal it gets.

Calling someone dumb/stupid is totally okay in my book. A step beyond that is using insults like retard and the like, which is not something I choose to do but I guess some people like it.

How do you think this effects how PvP is viewed amongst normal players?


I think that a lot of people associate pvp groups/clans with toxicity (understandably so). A lot of people can do without that toxicity and stress those environments give. Especially now that people are older, do you really want to be in an environment where people go that "step beyond" over some pixels?

Step beyond meaning things like personal insults, doxxing and the like. I totally get why people choose to stay away from it all.

What's been your favourite drama, beef or rivalry of the years? Any stories to tell?

EH vs SE

EH vs VR

Losses against these clans always stung just a tad more than losses against other clans. On the flipside, a win would keep the clan pumped for days/weeks to come.

What's the dumbest shit you've seen another clan or individual do to someone else?
Personal insults / doxxing / hacking.

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