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If not removing snare then adding an option on CWA settings to turn it off

Rest option




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What i replied to Faux's tweet 1,5 years ago. In my eyes, that is the only way to revive wilderness activity / clanning / getting new people interested to the PvP aspect of it all. Till then (most likely forever) everything else is irrelevant and it's just meh

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On 3/15/2021 at 5:11 PM, Scleritis said:

Old school old school runescape


We go again

This. The +1 situation is bordering on ridiculous again and P2P is once again ruined by how much dumb shit there is that can kill you like high end prayers (and you know we're gonna get curses, it's just a matter of when), claws (cos they didn't learn from last time), elder maul, stackable supplies etc. P2P would be a million times better without this shit.


F2P is a write-off. People evolved and adapted on a combat system over a decade and a half old that has never changed in mechanics significantly, that can't be changed back even if hugging was back in the game because we would still drop any pile that leaves a clump. Removing gds teleports and stuff (canoe can stay) would go a long way into making F2P interesting again. I just don't see the point in it it's 2 hours of spamming kills with no real end result because you cannot clear an equal footing opponant even if you go like 5:1.  Because there's at least one person who will return by the time you've killed the next one. Whether you have 40-50 or 80 ingame right now it doesn't make an ounce of difference as sniping is largely obselete due to the clump meta and only made possible realistically if you have a client that tells you who's maging, even though they're perma overhead and will just run, log hop world and drink a prayer pot; because when a bind lasts 10 seconds now if you get snared in a pile you will die if all 40 of those people hit you for at least 3.


Also it should have been add snare, or remove 50% penalty on binds from praying mage, not fucking both.

Edited by Lavigne
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Grand Miracle Wizard of the Far-Right Sea Templar's Party | Bringing racism back into RS clanning since 2023.



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Rank 3 in the UK for Riichi Mahjong (UKMA ELO)

An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games.



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On 3/16/2021 at 6:10 AM, Eric`` said:

For PvP, I have wanted since the inception of CWA for them to add a west tree - GD's map where loot is lost on death. I think this would make things like 1v1's and real true ranking systems something that would be reputable and common place!


Great idea man.


Anything to boost activity in the wilderness gets my ticker going. I'd love to see the clan world prosper and edge/varrock low wild restored. 


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Delete grand exchange, encourage in game trading in marketplaces and Falador park (I miss it so much :()


Bring in more incentives for smaller group pking and smaller clans pking. The clan world always had a backbone of small and mid-sized clans which helped bigger clans grow. 


Piss off with the equipment balancing and combat triangle rubbish. 








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- Delete special attacks aside from dds/d scim/msb.

- Delete enchanted bolts

- Delete venom


Basically update OSRS 2007 to fucking (edit: early) 2007. Bring back mage bank pking.


Edited by Blogs
- Damage Inc May 2006 - October 2009 -
- Damage Inc Warlord General -



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19 hours ago, Lavigne said:

This. The +1 situation is bordering on ridiculous again and P2P is once again ruined by how much dumb shit there is that can kill you like high end prayers (and you know we're gonna get curses, it's just a matter of when), claws (cos they didn't learn from last time), elder maul, stackable supplies etc. P2P would be a million times better without this shit.


F2P is a write-off. People evolved and adapted on a combat system over a decade and a half old that has never changed in mechanics significantly, that can't be changed back even if hugging was back in the game because we would still drop any pile that leaves a clump. Removing gds teleports and stuff (canoe can stay) would go a long way into making F2P interesting again. I just don't see the point in it it's 2 hours of spamming kills with no real end result because you cannot clear an equal footing opponant even if you go like 5:1.  Because there's at least one person who will return by the time you've killed the next one. Whether you have 40-50 or 80 ingame right now it doesn't make an ounce of difference as sniping is largely obselete due to the clump meta and only made possible realistically if you have a client that tells you who's maging, even though they're perma overhead and will just run, log hop world and drink a prayer pot; because when a bind lasts 10 seconds now if you get snared in a pile you will die if all 40 of those people hit you for at least 3.


Also it should have been add snare, or remove 50% penalty on binds from praying mage, not fucking both.

I agree a lot on this in regards to f2p (see below for a rant on p2p), however returning in fights has been a thing for 15-20 years - it's what makes the wilderness different from CWA (which I hate relative to the wilderness). 


I don't like the box meta - but it's known as the box meta because it's the META. Ways to change this though?

  • Like you said, my preferred idea is to remove any other option to tele direct to GDs without being on Ancients. This is the biggest difference in fights compared to back in the day - mages used to have to get the lever (or another way I'm forgetting?) to get back. Hence tanking was significantly easier as clans had less binders so fights spread out more naturally. Some people got one hit, but once energy % started to drop it became a case of sticking on a target
  • Remove the 10s snare and have a 5s bind that halves to 2.5s with mage prayer on. Similar result as above regarding tanking.
  • Having hugging actually work/require skill like it used to.
  • Have some sort of kill counter that doesn't end like CWA, but at least you know who is ahead (i.e. you can stay fighting for the sake of fighting, but once the other clan reaches say 100, 500, or 1000 kill advantage they can fuck off and post pictures). Yes, RoT can return for 70 hours but it would show they got smoked. (i.e. for example, it records a statistic like 'Tempest CC has achieved 500 kills in 2 hours, RoT CC has achieved 250 kills in 2 hours with a specific start time. Leaders of the clan CC could clean this before a fight - hence the timer, and this could be a pretty accurate metric of k/d. Could even have a geofence around the kills or have minimum level limit to what kills count).


That said, quite frankly, the grass is greener on the other side. I've spent hundreds (sadly probably thousands) of hours of my life chasing clans over the map without any binds and no run energy. It fucking sucked and fights never ended. The box fights might not have a conclusive winner, but they're fun and I'm glad the clan world has realised that 12+ hour fights are in no one's interest. 


On p2p, you're dead right it was destroyed by +1s - both single and multi. P2P single died as soon as spec trading became a thing beyond people trading DDS specs. When a single hit can hit 80, it becomes a gamble fight rather than one requiring skill in catching, TBing, hybriding, etc. Don't get me wrong, the content creating community today could probably run rings around us lot from back in the day, but it's become something that the average player doesn't want to get involved in because it's not as fun. Hence the p2p single scene is pretty much dead. In regards to multi, clan v clan fights are still fun - but it used to basically be f2p but in p2p. Whips/d scims, msbs, ancient staffs. Now you can wear whatever and hit 80s. Like I said, I enjoy it but it's different and similar to f2p, if a clan wanted to drag out a fight it wouldn't be hard.


I know I sound like I'm stuck in the past, but this is OSRS. I enjoy it, but it's not the same.

Edited by Blogs
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- Damage Inc May 2006 - October 2009 -
- Damage Inc Warlord General -



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