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Would you enjoy a game reset?


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Making this topic at request of @Howl 


It is no secret to any of us that both the game and community are very different from how they once were, especially from the release of old school servers back in 2013, or even before that in 00 which is essentially what OSRS sought to recreate. There are some people who dislike the changes to the game quite a bit and are unhappy with the path it has gone down be it the poor state of PvP/clanning, changes they don't feel fit the game, the addition of ironman mode and all that it brought with it as well as generally aspects of the game being made easier over time, or something else. 


What if Jagex were to re-release oldschool runescape tomorrow? Obviously they have the ability to do so, and it would perhaps not only make some people happy but give them a "fresh start" in some things to perhaps keep from making some of the same mistakes that have been made with OSRS - though there may be obviously be some contention on what's considered a "mistake". There's no doubt a lot that would be up in the air - would the game receive updates at all? If so, what? What kind of support would it have from Jagex personnel and investment wise? Would it just be a copy of OSRS as it was released in 2013 but stay that way forever? 


Do you think Jagex would ever do it?

Maybe if there was an actual market for it to where it'd be worth their time and whatever investment they had to put in. If it required updates at any point that'd obviously be more they'd need to invest as well. I'm not sure it'd really be worth for the amount of people that would play. The OSRS that didn't get updates became dead as fuck pretty fast which leads me to believe that an oldschool oldschool version of the game that doesn't receive updates cannot exist in the long term. I imagine it would need some updates but there would obviously need to be discussion about what those were and how they were implemented, and even then, they may not help the game. I feel like it would be one of those things that a lot of people would enjoy at first, but would probably end up not being worth it.


Would you play if they somehow did?

I would probably give it a shot but I honestly like the game how it is now. It surely isn't perfect and needs some improvements and things to be fixed but I wouldn't see myself maining another game over it let alone an alternate version of the same game. I also don't think it'd last too long or have an amazing amount of content that would be too fun to do to make it worth playing in the long run. Maybe it'd be something I AFKed on the side but unless clans were active and I decided I wanted to join one, not really sure what the end game would even be.


Would you expect them to update it? If yes, what updates would you expect to see and want them to stay away from? What updates do you think would be crucial?

While some people would perhaps not want any updates, as I previously said, I don't think it would last at all without any updates and even then it may still be doomed. So yes, i'd expect them to update it. I think they would likely want to stay away from things like Zulrah which had valuable uniques but also shit out constant money in normal drops and probably avoid ironman mode. I don't have an issue with ironmen or a lot of what they brought to the current game but it's pretty impossible to deny that they've had an effect on the game which all people may not appreciate. I don't think the addition of ironman mode to a fresh 2007 server would lead the game in a great direction for what it would be intended to be, despite thinking ironman mode is fine with the current game and how it's evolved over the years. I also think the safe deaths outside of the wilderness would be something to avoid but the reason those happened in the first place were clans nuking the worlds so if they decided to do that again then it may not be something that could be prevented. Obviously they weren't just added to the game for the sake of making things safer it was a very valid reason which ironically was the fault of many of the same people complaining that basically everywhere outside of the wilderness was safe. 


How long do you think it would last?

No updates - 6 months tops

The proper updates, whatever those may be - probably 6 months - 1 yr of perhaps reasonable activity, even then I think it'd be much smaller than OSRS/RS3 and probably be pretty dead comparably. 

Ultimately, I think it'd be one of those huge hype things at first that dies out pretty quick but has a few diehard people hanging on. 


Lastly, a somewhat related question I thought would be interesting to ask.

If Jagex were to instead of releasing a permanent new 2007/osrs server, release it seasonally once per year or something along those lines for a few months, do you think this would be better? *It could be something similar to the concept of seasonal DMM but instead of being DMM just be the normal game in the 2007 state with some sort of ending battle between clans in what would just be 2007 gear and capabilities no updates etc probably with some sort of prize for the winner. It could be an all out wilderness battle with last man/clan standing or a tournament type where clans go 1v1 against each other and maybe throw in some sort of rewards for most progress in skilling/pvm/whatever for players who don't partake in the clan stuff.*


I think this would be an interesting concept that came to mind while writing this topic and thinking of the obvious flaws like how Jagex wouldn't be interested in permanently supporting another alternate version of the game, adding it seasonally and giving some sort of competitive aspect would perhaps increase interest and give those who want the server/reset what they want to some extent. A big issue however I think would be the same thing with DMM where it requires a fuck load of time for something that essentially gets wiped in the end, though perhaps they could save some degree of progress across seasons. 


Edit: For easy copy/paste:

Do you think Jagex would ever do it?


Would you play if they somehow did?


Would you expect them to update it? If yes, what updates would you expect to see and want them to stay away from? What updates do you think would be crucial?


How long do you think it would last?


If Jagex were to instead of releasing a permanent new 2007/osrs server, release it seasonally once per year or something along those lines for a few months, do you think this would be better? (See above for a bit more of an explanation)

Edited by Adam_








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Do you think Jagex would ever do it?

Unlikely, however I think RS (and MMOs in general) is a game that is prone to resets as people max out the possible content and the game because less inhabitable for new players.


Would you play if they somehow did?

Yes, I think a reset would be a lot of fun. The early stages of the game are not only nostalgia-filled, but help create new metas and open up new ideas.


Would you expect them to update it? If yes, what updates would you expect to see and want them to stay away from? What updates do you think would be crucial?

Yeah, I think if it happened it would go along the path of current OSRS. Remove whatever you don't like from the current iteration (i.e. NMZ, blowpipe, Zulrah) and add back things you do like. While I like not having a G.E., I would guess that's something people wouldn't play without.


How long do you think it would last?

Didn't expect to still be playing RS in 2021 so who knows.


If Jagex were to instead of releasing a permanent new 2007/osrs server, release it seasonally once per year or something along those lines for a few months, do you think this would be better?

I think it would feel like DMM where only a subset of hardcore players would play. People like having their accomplishments last and knowing it resets every year would likely turn off a lot of people.

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don't be the third whale

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There already is forms of game resets eg. Twisted League / Deadman. 


I don't see the point in a game reset unless the game is dead and needs it to keep people playing.

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Do you think Jagex would ever do it?


Would you play if they somehow did?

I wouldn't see the point, but if for whatever reason clans migrated there, I might make an account for it.

Only thing I can see is that the pathfinding update would not be part of an OSRS V2 and therefor hugging / bind meta would come back. Paired with the fact that returning wouldn't be as fast is it is now, I'd guess that the meta would shift a little bit.

Would you expect them to update it? If yes, what updates would you expect to see and want them to stay away from? What updates do you think would be crucial?

No. I don't see why they would want an OSRS v2 if they were going to add updates.

- You'd lose 8 years of progress/updates
- Playerbase would be split, which has a massive impact on economies on both games
- Jagex isn't a big enough company to be able to handle update rollouts on three separate games

How long do you think it would last?

3-6 months tops. Anything longer, and it would just kill both OSRS and OSRS V2.

If Jagex were to instead of releasing a permanent new 2007/osrs server, release it seasonally once per year or something along those lines for a few months, do you think this would be better? (See above for a bit more of an explanation)
I don't think it'd be "better" than what we have now.

If we could somehow get the pathfinding update to be removed (it probably wont), snares being removed from F2P again, things would literally be perfect in the PKing scene.

I just fail to see what an entirely new server would really bring to the table. Most people are at points in their lives where they dont want to grind just to not fall behind.

It could maybe work if this PVP server had cheap returning sets / free returning sets, so that the server is literally just pvp, rather than having to train your stats / build your bank to afford sets, but then you'd lose out the aspect of losing bank value.

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43 minutes ago, Out said:

There already is forms of game resets eg. Twisted League / Deadman. 


I don't see the point in a game reset unless the game is dead and needs it to keep people playing.

^ Agreed with this


Having played through that 2013 reset I have no desire to do it again, although it was a ton of fun at the time.


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Do you think Jagex would ever do it?

Depends what happens with the future of oldschool and if they majorly fuck up like they did pre-eoc.

Would you play if they somehow did?


Would you expect them to update it? If yes, what updates would you expect to see and want them to stay away from? What updates do you think would be crucial?

Yes, I think it would take a similar route to oldschool as that's a majority of the playerbases' goal in this game.

How long do you think it would last?

Much longer than anyone of us could guess, rs3 and osrs are both well and alive and we've been saying the games dying since 2007.

If Jagex were to instead of releasing a permanent new 2007/osrs server, release it seasonally once per year or something along those lines for a few months, do you think this would be better? (See above for a bit more of an explanation)

No, people would get burnt out and when it gets too small that it's not worth it to keep running there would be yet another divide in the community just like what happened with DMM.

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Do you think Jagex would ever do it?

Very unlikely. But who knows what they'd do if they were desperate enough financially (and the game had drastically decreased).


Would you play if they somehow did?

I want to say no, but honestly if the current OSRS was gone and there was a semi-healthy clan scene going on this "reset" version, there's a good chance I would.


Would you expect them to update it? If yes, what updates would you expect to see and want them to stay away from? What updates do you think would be crucial?

Yes. We saw last time how quickly the game stagnated and was down to like 12-15k online players at peak times during late 2013 before they started releasing updates. "Crucial" updates really depends on the person. I'd personally prefer a lot of QoL that they've released over the years. Don't care too much about anything else.


How long do you think it would last?

No clue. There are a lot of variables to consider. But I'd like to imagine it wouldn't work out too well. Or at least never reach the heights the current game did/has.


If Jagex were to instead of releasing a permanent new 2007/osrs server, release it seasonally once per year or something along those lines for a few months, do you think this would be better? (See above for a bit more of an explanation)

No, I'd see no reason to play a version of the game like that at all.


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3 hours ago, Out said:

There already is forms of game resets eg. Twisted League / Deadman. 


I don't see the point in a game reset unless the game is dead and needs it to keep people playing.


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DMM & clan activity tend to pull from the same market, assuming both are co-existing I'ma stay biased and hold true to what I remembered from the disaster known as ArcheAge

Fuck Fresh Starts 

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Tbh, like some other people mentioned in here, the fresh start and nostalgia from 2013 old school runescape was nice (I played it on the first day it came out too!), however, I feel like the majority of that feel is gone now.


Nowadays, you’re just so use to osrs that you do your own thing and grind for what you want (if that makes sense). 

Edited by Amulet
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Beginning of Old school was the most I've ever had (besides pre eoc warring of course) was fun having like 80 people on teamspeak chilling and grinding together. Doubt they reset though, would just make another old old school

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6 hours ago, Out said:

There already is forms of game resets eg. Twisted League / Deadman. 


I don't see the point in a game reset unless the game is dead and needs it to keep people playing.


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Not sure if you heard. I was leader of The BlacKnights.



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Don't see it ever happening or any point due to the fact too many people who have grinded it hard enough, a lot of people simply wouldn't be up for that re-grind. Let's be honest its hard enough to attract fresh faces to an MMO like this in the current day and age, giving a significant % of the playerbase a reason to stop playing would be detrimental

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Ex-Envy Leader / Ex-Genesis Council / Ex-Divine Forces App Reviewer / Tempest Legend /






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