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PSA: Open OSRS TOB Plugin be careful!

Da Bazz

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This was posted on april 1st, I don't think anyone has used this so far but just please be careful with plugins in general!



A security heads up (not an April Fool's joke, apologies for the unfortunate timing):

We have discovered a custom Open OSRS plugin that presents itself as a ToB Plugin, but in actuality it sets up your account to be lured (described briefly below). Rather than passing judgment on using plugins against the game rules (which would avoid this situation entirely), we want to emphasize that you should only use clients and plugins that you can trust. RuneLite and its Plugin Hub are all confirmed as safe, legal plugins. If you are going to use another client, please double check that you are getting plugins from a safe source.

We will not provide support for anyone that falls for this scam. Please be vigilant in your use of safe clients and plugins. If you are messaged by someone within WDR to try a client or a plugin that is not on default RuneLite or on RuneLite's Plugin Hub, please report it to the mods using !modmail in #bot-commands

The fake TOB Plugin will first determine the current High Risk PVP world. You are then instructed by the lurer to hop to a safe world (currently 303). Once done, the plugin will disable mouse input, turn off auto retaliate, automatically attempt to hop you to the HRPVP world, and automatically accept the warnings. Once you are on the PVP world, it will blacken your game screen and at that point you are guaranteed to lose your items. Additionally, the plugin does not have any ToB related features.

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The good old days



Tempest 1.png

~ By B4uz ~



~ By Ace ~

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Yeah I shared this in discord a few days ago, probs shoulda made a post. 

Please expand for maximum vomit


12th April 2021


24th April 2021


12th May 2021 






TRWF PK Leader ¦ Legends Never Die Leader ¦ Clan Envy Warlord

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I didn't understand anything that was in the wall of text. How can a plugin make you hop to a Pvp world itself, without you picking the world?






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19 minutes ago, Juri said:

I didn't understand anything that was in the wall of text. How can a plugin make you hop to a Pvp world itself, without you picking the world?


Not that hard at all.


Gets the world data from here: https://api.runelite.net/runelite-

Calls this Runelite API: https://static.runelite.net/api/runelite-api/net/runelite/api/Client.html#hopToWorld(net.runelite.api.World)


All done without you even clicking anything

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Jesus :S






Always underrated , never dominated




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41 minutes ago, Brian said:

Not that hard at all.


Gets the world data from here: https://api.runelite.net/runelite-

Calls this Runelite API: https://static.runelite.net/api/runelite-api/net/runelite/api/Client.html#hopToWorld(net.runelite.api.World)


All done without you even clicking anything

Okei, another reason why not to touch OPENOSRS 😄





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This was patched a few days ago, I spoke with WDR staff about it and also managed to find the person who had been using it. Some goldfarmers actually found it on the openrs github and started using it to lure as well and the main guy found out and got mad and deleted it so nobody who didn't already have it fully installed could even use it anymore and then an open dev fully patched it so it couldn't even work with the client anymore. 


Similar to what @Out said I don't feel insanely bad because especially in pvm/pvp openrs users are usually just people who want to cheat, but it sucks nonetheless those who fell for it. 


When I asked how much he made he said a few bill, I said 5? 10? and he said there was 87 downloads of the plugin and that was his official statement, but I haven't heard of anywhere near that many victims so don't think a ton of people fell for it. 

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2 hours ago, Scumpr said:

So thiisssssss is why firehands and Ice always are trying to take Never sober to TOB..... It is all making sense now!

Makes sense. #Exposed 

CASEY_PSD.pngBEST PVM.pngLUCK.pngEgt3L2U.png





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