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The man, the Myth, the Legend.


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Runescape Name (Don't post if login name)

Preferred Name 
Cdubz, or Caleb is fine.

Current Clan

Previous Clan History
Havent really done a whole lot with clans, Think I was either in, or went to a mass with UBH, been a while cant really remember haha. 


Who do you know in Tempest?
A tv dinner is my brother, and True 2k8 from back in the day, maybe more.

Are you interested in joining?

Brief Introduction

Hey, the name is Cdubz, Ive been playing rs off and on for about 16/17 years now.  I enjoy PVM quite a bit but always finding myself trying to push towards max total, Currently 2160.  Ive always been interested in PVP but just have never made the leap to learn.  I also enjoy playing my ironman from time to time.  As far as personal life, I am a service technician for a company that makes potato planters and harvesters, so come spring and fall I will be absent for a little bit. However, I'm looking forward to massing with you guys and learning some new stuff and meeting some new people. Cheers.

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