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100 members recruiting skills


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Since we reached 100 members, what was your best memory of recruiting a member to a clan?


Mine was back in DF, @inf` was still in DI back then and needed to put in some effort to recruit.




Credits to @Clugred

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The moment I reached out to Rodm117 or what ever his username was. The pm read "do you want to have some fun?" he then joined UBH and the rest was history. 

I met him through an rsb free for all bandos trip. The Meta back then was t helm, k top, v skirt, whip and rune defender. It was random tank, you just hopped you didn't have to tank. 


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"dunno who they are"






Grand Miracle Wizard of the Far-Right Sea Templar's Party | Bringing racism back into RS clanning since 2023.



RSN: South Tyrol

Leader of REIGN community since 2004 - Undisputably the best gaming community in history.

Rank 3 in the UK for Riichi Mahjong (UKMA ELO)

An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games.



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Back in the days before actually convincing people to join, which could take days on and on, everyone was so clueless that we used to make videos even on how to create forums accounts, war and apply, lol. It was intense. The process itself were pretty remarkable since all those kiddos had like 12-15 years without any online experience. I remember recruiting this one kid who we thought was a girl by listening to his voice but then he said his name and we all were shocked lmao. One of the funniest kid I've ever seen.


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I was never really much for recruiting since I didn't know many people outside of the clan world once I joined.

But my only memory was when I was in Knights of Order and I asked two of my long time in game friends to join, they were cousins. One turned out to be a pretty decent member that stayed for years even after I left and the other was a complete moron and didn't last long.








PDlMitch ~ Ex: Knights of Order ~ Collision ~ Syndicate ~ Exodus ~ Crimson Raiders ~ Downfall ~ Divine Forces








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I dunno I had so many recruits over the years lol


The first time I joined df was fun because rsd was doing a bk unit and I did the same in df. Managed to have a good 40 man ml with them being the same. Every recruit added to bragging rights lol

Not sure if you heard. I was leader of The BlacKnights.



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Nobody specific I guess but at the start of 07 genesis recruited a decent number of random people in game who turned out to be great members. It was a nice change of pace from pre-EOC where you basically only recruited people you already knew 







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6 hours ago, Harmr said:

Since we reached 100 members, what was your best memory of recruiting a member to a clan?


Mine was back in DF, @inf` was still in DI back then and needed to put in some effort to recruit.




Credits to @Clugred






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7 hours ago, Harmr said:

Since we reached 100 members, what was your best memory of recruiting a member to a clan?


Mine was back in DF, @inf` was still in DI back then and needed to put in some effort to recruit.




Credits to @Clugred

How did recruiting me work out for ya

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Tbh, it's hard for me to recall recruiting ppl to clans (probably because of the various recruiting events my clans did over the years), however, I found that the most fun ones are getting everyone together and than recruiting at popular places like the ge. 

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